Homework: Add on to your study group sheet. Finish your study tool.
Big Idea: Structures and relationships support success
Essential Question: How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful?
Objectives: I can...
...determine what I need to study and how best to study.
...list ways to reduce test anxiety.
...ask questions when needed.****************************
1) Warm Up: Draw and label what's going on in your head now!
2) Mini-Lesson: Studying Crash Course
- Set up a note sheet for today.
- Read the tips on studying here. As you read, take INSANELY detailed notes. The note-pro will get a prize!
- Go to the station you are assigned to:
- Condense your notes.
- Make a foldable showing your notes.
- Diagram a math equation. Use the sheet here.
- Present your study tool.
- Review study tips and stress management ideas.
- Write down the tips that will help you most. Write down one tip you've never tried and want to.
http://danspira.com/2008/07/24/learning-the-forgetting-curve/ |
3) Your Turn! Study Tools Time
- Read the hand out and the list of topics to review. Look at Math 2 topics to review here.
- Decide what your first and second choice topics are and what tools you want to make to review. Fill out the hand out and the survey below. (See the gallery below for ideas)
- Begin making your study tool for your topic. While you wait to be told what your topic is, revise your Cornell notes for any and all classes!
4) Exit Ticket: Revise your warm up head to be a studying pro!!!