Saturday, November 22, 2014

How do the goals I set relate my definition of success? Daily Plans: Monday, 24 November

Happy Monday AVID students!
Homework: Revise all them things!
Big Idea: Relationships can lead to success
Essential Question: How do the goals I set relate my definition of success?
Objectives: I can...
...identify the people who helped me become the successful young adult I am today!
...set and meet SMART goals.
...organize my materials.
1) Warm Up: Who are you grateful for?

  1. Define gratitude in your notes.
    1. noun the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness."she expressed her gratitude to the committee for their support"
  2. Respond to the prompt below for THREE people.#787
Because of ______, I ________. 

2) SMART Study Hall!
Complete the sheet here. (I'll give you a hard copy.)
3) Exit Ticket: On the back of your paper...
  1. Write one SMART goal you have for reviewing for your classes over Thanksgiving break.
  2. Write one SMART goal you have for relaxing over Thanksgiving break.
  3. Turn it in! 4th period drawer!

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