Homework: Revise all them things!
Big Idea: Relationships can lead to success
Essential Question: How do the goals I set relate my definition of success?
Objectives: I can...
...identify the people who helped me become the successful young adult I am today!
...set and meet SMART goals.
...organize my materials.
1) Warm Up: Who are you grateful for?
- Define gratitude in your notes.
- noun the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness."she expressed her gratitude to the committee for their support"
- Respond to the prompt below for THREE people.
2) SMART Study Hall!
Complete the sheet here. (I'll give you a hard copy.)
3) Exit Ticket: On the back of your paper...
- Write one SMART goal you have for reviewing for your classes over Thanksgiving break.
- Write one SMART goal you have for relaxing over Thanksgiving break.
- Turn it in! 4th period drawer!

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