Saturday, November 22, 2014

How can recognizing what I am grateful for help me bee successful? Daily Plans: Tuesday, 25 November

Happy Tuesday AVID Students! GET GRATEFUL!
Homework: See goals from yesterday's Exit Ticket :-). Review and RELAX :-).
Big Idea: Relationships lead to success
Essential Question: How can recognizing what I am grateful for help me be successful?
Objectives: I can...
...list what I am grateful for today.
...write a thank you card.
...share my gratitude with my classmates.
...have fun with my classmates!
1) Warm Up:
  1. Make a hand turkey.
  2. In each finger-feather write something you are grateful for.
  3. Cut out your turkey and post it in the classroom or in your binder!
  4. Make a thank you card for someone who you don't always remember to say "THANK YOU!" to. 
  5. Give it to him or her as soon as you can :-).
2) Family Day FOR ALL!
  1. First we'll play, "I'm an LEC student and you're an LEC student too, if you are grateful for..."
    1. ex: "...if you are grateful for Cornell notes!" "...if you are grateful for chocolate."
  2. Then...FREE TIME!

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