Thursday, November 20, 2014

How will my decision-making process support my success? Daily Plans: Friday, 21 November

Happy Friday AVID Buddies!
Homework: Make sure you have done all missing work!
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Questions: How will my decision-making process support my success?
Objectives: I can...
...list the components of resume.
...revise my work.
...demonstrate 21st century learning skills.
...complete missing work.
...choose something new to learn!
1) Warm Up/Literacy Block: Resume Reading
  1. Define: What is a resume? (look at the image)
  2. Read one of the resumes below.
  3. List what goes into a resume.
  4. Classify: Are the verbs used lower order or higher order verbs? Why does that matter?
    1. Human Resources Resume
    2. Science Research Resume
    3. Finanace and Business Resume
2) Lesson Plan: Career Writing: Revise your work! (Until 1:50)
Purpose: The purpose of this writing assignment is for you to describe how you make decisions and think back to how you made a very important decision...the career you want to pursue! You will write one TPEEA paragraph, one reflective paragraph, and 5 SMART goals. You may add pictures. You will also add your portfolio link to this and then send me the embed link so I can publish your work! #21stcenturyskillz
  1. Put final touches on your Career Writing presentation. 
    1. Revise one of your goals to show that you will take action to have a strong resume.
    2. Check to make sure you have completed all of the portfolio using the directions here.
    3. Send me your embed code.

4) Family Day
  1. Mrs. Cunkelman: Missing Work Room
  2. Mrs. Testa: Missing Work Room
  3. Mrs. Kitchens: Whodunnit?? Did you love the play? Come try your hand at solving mysteries!
  4. Ms. Nickel/Ms. Jones: Sociology and Gender Roles: Want to continue the dialogue we had yesterday and learn more? Ms. Jones will lead a discussion on sociology and gender roles in Ms. Nickel's room!

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