Homework: Make sure you have done all missing work!
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Questions: How will my decision-making process support my success?
Objectives: I can...
...interpret the impact that career trends have on people's decisions.
...describe an event that helped me make my future career decisions.
...set SMART goals.
...demonstrate 21st century learning skills.
...organize my work.
1) Warm Up: Genders and Careers
- On your own: List characteristics of males and females. (Think stereotypes.)
- With a partner: Revise and add on to your list.
- In two groups of 4 and one group of 6: Relate these characteristics to a career or career cluster. (Example: Characteristic is nuturing - Career is nursing)

- Conclude: How do gender stereotypes impact the career decisions people make?
- Example: Think men as early childhood teachers and nurses, and women as engineers or soldiers.
Women in STEM Focus
- Summarize the information in the infographic above.
- Point sentence: What does this graph show?
- Example: What evidence is there that supports your point?
- Compare and contrast: How was your childhood similar to and different from the girl's in the video?
- Infer the results:
- How are the video and infographic related?
- Is this a positive or negative feedback system? (EES students, you know this!)
- How do the information and stories depicted impact career decisions?
- Does action need to be taken? Why or why not? If so, describe one action you think should be taken.
3) Lesson Plan: Writing about Career Decisions
Purpose: The purpose of this writing assignment is for you to describe how you make decisions and think back to how you made a very important decision...the career you want to pursue! You will write one TPEEA paragraph, one reflective paragraph, and 5 SMART goals. You may add pictures. You will also add your portfolio link to this and then send me the embed link so I can publish your work! #21stcenturyskillz
- Finish working on your Career Writing presentation.
- Copy the template below into your AVID folder.
- Name it "Name - Career Writing".
- Complete the prompts.
- Ask a classmate to read your work.
- Ask them for one piece of feedback. (Ex: Is my point strong? Are my goals SMART?)
- Give each other a plus and delta based on the area you each want looked at.
- Finish your portfolio.
- Email your work to me using the embed code! (Even if you make changes later, I'll see them!)
4) Success Workshop:
- Check PowerSchools. Do you have any missing work? List it.
- Check your email. Respond to emails as necessary.
- Revise your Cornell notes by highlighting key terms, adding HOT questions, or writing summaries.
- Organize your binder.
5) Exit Ticket: List your homework.
- List your homework and missing work for all classes. Include what you need to revise.
- Add a time estimate to each assignment.
- Rank the order you will do your assignments in.
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