Homework: Make sure you have done all missing work!
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Questions: How will my decision-making process support my success?
Objectives: I can...
...explain what I consider when I make decisions.
...describe an event that helped me make my future career decisions.
...set SMART goals.
...demonstrate 21st century learning skills.
...organize my work.
1) Warm Up: Respond to the following prompt. Write your schedule in the ideal school. Describe what you would learn in at least two of the classes on your schedule.
2) Literacy Block: Graphing Functions Dance
- Look at the image below.
- List the functions you have worked with before in your math classes.
- Sketch a graph for each function you listed. Use the stick people as inspiration.
- As a class, play Simon Says, Math Functions! (First round with the image, second without!)
3) Lesson Plan: Writing about Career Decisions
Purpose: The purpose of this writing assignment is for you to describe how you make decisions and think back to how you made a very important decision...the career you want to pursue! You will write one TPEEA paragraph, one reflective paragraph, and 5 SMART goals. You may add pictures. You will also add your portfolio link to this and then send me the embed link so I can publish your work! #21stcenturyskillz
- Copy the template below into your AVID folder.
- Name it "Name - Career Writing".
- Complete the prompts.
- Send me your embed code.
4) Success Workshop:
- Work on your portfolio additions from last week.
- Revise your Cornell notes by highlighting key terms, adding HOT questions, or writing summaries.
- Organize your binder.
5) Exit Ticket: Crystal Ball
- Tell me what AVID can do for you to help you survive and thrive during exam period!
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