Thursday, November 13, 2014

How can I grow and use my own power to be successful? (Day 4) Daily Plans: Friday, 14 November

Homework: Revise all the things!
Big Idea: Power influences futures
Essential Question: How can I grow and use my own power to be successful?
Objectives: I can...
...characterize teen life in another culture.
...evaluate my LEC experience and learning.
...destress and catch up!
1) Warm Up: Reflection on LEC and International Pen Pal (Until 1:40)

  1. Complete the survey here to tell us about your experience at LEC.
  2. Go to the link here. Select a link that ONLY has the name of a country!
  3. Read the information about teen life in that country.
  4. Make up a pen pal and write a letter to that person. 
    1. Compare and contrast responsibilities here versus in your pen pal's home country.
    2. Write a half-page at least.

2) Semester of Success: Build your own portfolio! (Until 2:00)

  1. Over the course of the next few weeks, you will build a portfolio including the following:

    1. A sample of your best work with a reflection
    2. A sample revised work with a reflection
    3. A formal email
    4. A narrative telling why you've chosen your current career cluster of interest
    5. SMART goals for moving toward your intended career
  2. Make a folder in your AVID Google Drive folder. Call it "Your Name - Semester 1 Portfolio". 
  3. Choose a work you have done this semester that you learned a lot from and that you are proud of.
  4. Make a copy of this and move it to your portfolio folder.
  5. In a comment, explain in a point, example, and analysis sentence why you are so proud of this work and what you learned from it.
  6. Choose a work this semester that you revised to improve your grade.
  7. Make a copy of this and move it to your portfolio folder. 
  8. In a comment, explain how this revision showed the "FAIL" (First Attempt In Learning) mindset.
  9. Send a formal email to a teacher you need help from.
  10. Screen shot this email and add it to a doc in your portfolio.
3) Family Day! (2:00-2:45)
    1. Mrs. Cunkelman: Missing Work Room
    2. Mrs. Testa: Board Game Room
    3. Mrs. Kitchens: "I want to do work!" Room
    4. Ms. Nickel: Summer Camp Games Room

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