Wednesday, November 12, 2014

How can I grow and use my own power to be successful? (Day 3) Daily Plans: Thursday, 13 November

Happy Thursday AVID Buddies!
Homework: Portfolio additions by tomorrow!
Big Idea: Power influences futures
Essential Question: How can I grow and use my own power to be successful?
Objectives: I can...
...characterize responsible driving habits.
...plan for growth that will help me be successful in my chosen career.
...critique the work I have done this semester.
1) Warm Up: Process, Define, Illustrate
  1. Choose two more Process Skills.
  2. Define the Process Skills.
  3. Add illustrations.
  4. Write a HOT question using one of the Process Skills you have defined.
2) Literacy Block: Responsible Driving
  1. Read the infographic below.
  2. Infer what responsible driving looks like and doesn't look like.

3) Lesson Plan: Responsibility in Careers
Purpose: Today we will explore responsibilities in your future career.
  1. Log in to your CFNC account.
  2. Go to "My CFNC" > "Career Planning" > "Career Plans".
  3. Choose either one of your Suggested Career Clusters or your Focus Career Cluster.
  4. Select "Careers" on the left side bar.
  5. Choose one of the career options from the middle list.
  6. Based on the "What they do" and "Interviews" tabs, create a list of your future job responsbilities.
  7. Reflect in a TPEEA paragraph: Are you ready for these responsbilities? Why or why not? What will you do to get there?
4) Success Workshop: Building a Semester Portfolio

  1. Over the course of the next few weeks, you will build a portfolio including the following:
    1. A sample of your best work with a reflection
    2. A sample revised work with a reflection
    3. A formal email
    4. A narrative telling why you've chosen your current career cluster of interest
    5. SMART goals for moving toward your intended career
  2. Make a folder in your AVID Google Drive folder. Call it "Your Name - Semester 1 Portfolio". 
  3. Choose a work you have done this semester that you learned a lot from and that you are proud of.
  4. Make a copy of this and move it to your portfolio folder.
  5. In a comment, explain in a point, example, and analysis sentence why you are so proud of this work and what you learned from it.
  6. Choose a work this semester that you revised to improve your grade.
  7. Make a copy of this and move it to your portfolio folder. 
  8. In a comment, explain how this revision showed the "FAIL" (First Attempt In Learning) mindset.
  9. Send a formal email to a teacher you need help from.
  10. Screen shot this email and add it to a doc in your portfolio.
Write a Formal Email Step 9 Version 3.jpg
5) Exit Ticket: List three things you are grateful for.

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