Homework: Revise it all!
Essential Question: How can understanding the relationship between authority and respect empower you?
Objectives: I can...
...identify claims and evidence in a science talk.
...apply my understanding of power, authority, and respect to design a utopia.
...evaluate my time management.
1) Warm Up: Process, Illustrate, Define!
- Choose two more processes!
- Define them.
- Add illustrations.
2) Literacy Block: The Science behind making Moral Decisions
- Before you listen: How do you make decisions?
- As you listen: Identify...
- A claim made in the talk.
- The evidence that supports that claim.
- The next steps scientists need to make.
3) Lesson Plan: Design your own Utopia!
- Break into groups.
- Read through the "Design your own Utopia" sheet below.
- Fill it in!
- Time permitting, choose one of the following to complete:
- Create a map of your utopia.
- List what students would learn in school.
- Make a collage showing what life is like in your utopia.
- Write a pass-along story to describe a day in your utopia.
- List crimes that could make someone end up in jail in your utopia.
4) Success Workshop: Time Management
- List all your upcoming assignments. Predict how long each task will take. Rank the order in which you will do them.
- Check and respond to emails.
- Work on late work or revisions.
5) Exit Ticket: Procrastination Station
- How much time did you waste procrastinating?
- Was any of it productive procrastination?
- What can you do to avoid procrastinating?
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