Wednesday, April 19, 2017

How do I benefit from setting and meeting my own goals? Daily Plans: Thursday, 20 April

Happy Thursday AVID Students!
Homework: Meet goals from your project timelines and your planner.
Big Idea: Structures have interrelated parts
Essential Questions: How do I benefit from setting and meeting my own goals?
Objectives: I can...

...recall what I have learned this week.
...prioritize my work.
...write a to do list. personal goals.
Image result for reflecting on learning1) Warm Up: Learning Log (10 min)
  1. Take 3 minutes to skim through your notes from this week.
  2. Choose a learning log prompt to respond to (TOC #13; Learning Log 2).
  3. Complete your learning log entry for the week.
  4. Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up and ask or explain one concept to a classmate. Take 30 seconds to explain your confusion or explain the concepts.

2) Third Period: Tutorials (30 min)
  1. Before Tutorials:
    1. Take 5 minutes to finish writing your TRF. Make sure you check the note on the top of your paper. 
    2. Gather your relevant notes and materials.
  2. During Tutorials:
    1. Teaching? Share the topic you are teaching.
    2. Need Help?
      1. Move so you are standing near someone "Teaching" a topic you need help with.
      2. Name other topics you need help with.
    3. Aim for SMALL groups - 3-5 people at most!
    4. Students who are "Teaching" will go first, then you'll work through other areas of confusion.
  3. After Tutorials: Respond to the questions below:
3) Lesson Plan: Long Term Project Work Time (Until the end of class)

  1. Rank your progress toward your weekly SMART goal and update your planner.
  2. Open your Personal Choice Project AND your Choose your Own College Adventure story.
  3. Review the timelines and decide what you need to work on first today.
  4. Write yourself a sticky note with 2-4 things to accomplish by the end of the period. Reminders:
    1. Image result for my to do list
    2. TOMORROW: Share your Choose your Own College Adventure DRAFT with me. This should be completely written, but can have some funky parts. Add any specific questions as comments.
    3. Next Week: Revisions and reading groups and final turn in for Choose your Own College Adventure; Project work days and presentation prep for Personal Choice Projects; Presentations of projects on Friday - bring snacks and activities!
  5. Get to work!
  6. Complete the progress check here:

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