Homework: Meet goals from your project timelines and your planner.
Big Idea: Structures have interrelated parts
Essential Questions: How do I benefit from setting and meeting my own goals?
Objectives: I can...
...recall what I have learned this week.
...prioritize my work.
...write a to do list.
...meet personal goals.
...recall what I have learned this week.
...prioritize my work.
...write a to do list.
...meet personal goals.

- Take 3 minutes to skim through your notes from this week.
- Choose a learning log prompt to respond to (TOC #13; Learning Log 2).
- Complete your learning log entry for the week.
- Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up and ask or explain one concept to a classmate. Take 30 seconds to explain your confusion or explain the concepts.
2) Third Period: Tutorials (30 min)
- Before Tutorials:
- Take 5 minutes to finish writing your TRF. Make sure you check the note on the top of your paper.
- Gather your relevant notes and materials.
- During Tutorials:
- Teaching? Share the topic you are teaching.
- Need Help?
- Move so you are standing near someone "Teaching" a topic you need help with.
- Name other topics you need help with.
- Aim for SMALL groups - 3-5 people at most!
- Students who are "Teaching" will go first, then you'll work through other areas of confusion.
- After Tutorials: Respond to the questions below:
- Rank your progress toward your weekly SMART goal and update your planner.
- Open your Personal Choice Project AND your Choose your Own College Adventure story.
- Review the timelines and decide what you need to work on first today.
- Write yourself a sticky note with 2-4 things to accomplish by the end of the period. Reminders:
- TOMORROW: Share your Choose your Own College Adventure DRAFT with me. This should be completely written, but can have some funky parts. Add any specific questions as comments.
- Next Week: Revisions and reading groups and final turn in for Choose your Own College Adventure; Project work days and presentation prep for Personal Choice Projects; Presentations of projects on Friday - bring snacks and activities!
- Get to work!
- Complete the progress check here:
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