Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Where am I going? How will I get there? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 1 March

Happy Wednesday AVID Students!
-ACA: WebAdvisor, AVISO, etc tasks
-Late: Scavenger Hunt, Field trip form and $15; Presentation and Career Research Notes; Identity Tree Work (see your Lee County email)
Image result for misplaced and dangling modifiers
Dangling or Misplaced Modifier?
Big Idea: Our choices relate to our identity and goals
Essential Question: Where am I going? How will I get there?
Objectives: I can...
...define, identify, and fix misplaced and dangling modifiers.
...create a pennant showing research about my first choice college.
...ask questions and contribute during Tutorials.
1) Warm Up: Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers Practice (12 min)
  1. Draw a squiggly line under your notes from Monday. Label your notes with today's date (1 March) and the topic: Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers.
  2. Use the handout here to define and to give an example of each of the following:
    1. modifier
    2. misplaced modifier
    3. dangling modifier
  3. Complete the exercise here by choosing a second part of the sentence that is logical and complete. 
2) Lesson Plan: College Choices Task 2: College Pennant (25 min)
Image result for college pennant
  1. Take out your scavenger hunt (TOC #11) and TRF so I can check them. 
  2. Create your pennant:
    1. Cut out two triangles and glue the smaller one on top.
    2. Read the requirements.
    3. Find the information.
    4. Add to your pennant.
3) Tutorial Time (Until the end of class)
  1. Before Tutorials:
    1. Take 5 minutes to polish and improve your TRF OR to revise relevant notes.
    2. Gather your notes, etc. related to your TRF.
  2. During Tutorials:
    1. Image result for questions
    2. Move into Tutorial groups (4-5 people).
    3. Share your final concept rating (from your POC box) and determine your presentation orders.
    4. The presenter will give a 30 second speech ending with their POC.
    5. Group members will note questions asked and the presenter's work. One group member will take notes for the presenter.
    6. When the presenter thinks they understand the POC, they'll summarize their steps. Group members will ask any follow up questions.
    7. Repeat as time permits.
  3. Finished early?
  4. Image result for quotes about questions
    1. Work on homework and ask each other questions as they come up.
    2. Read quietly.
    3. Explore the career resources on the TRF Resources tab.
  5. After Tutorials, complete a three minute quick write reflection: On the back of the TRF, respond to the quote to the right.
    1. Give an example of how the world has been shaped by questioning.
    2. What questions do you hope we find answers to to improve the world?
    3. What questions do you want to find the answers to?
    4. How does this relate to Tutorials?

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