Thursday, February 9, 2017

Where am I going? How will I get there? (Day 5) Daily Plans: Thursday, 9 February

Happy Thursday AVID Students!
Image result for career values*************************
-Make sure your Career Research notes are up-to-date. Avoid working ahead.
Big Idea: Our choices relate to our identity and goals
Essential Question: Where am I going? How will I get there?
Objectives: I can...
...reflect on and connect what I have learned this week. 
...analyze the relationship between my values and career choices through writing.
...choose what I need to work on.
1) Warm Up: Learning Log (10 min)
  1. Spend 4 minutes highlighting key terms, writing summaries, and/or adding HOT questions to your notes.
  2. Take out your learning log (TOC #5).
  3. Choose your learning log option for today and complete it!
2) Literacy Block: Analyzing your Career Values (20 min)
Image result for career values
  1. Before you read:
    1. Name your first choice career.
    2. List values that you think people generally associate with your career (ex: teacher: patience, love of learning, etc).
    3. Note the top 3 values you consider when making choices (ie family-oriented, making decent money, curiousity, etc...).
  2. While you read: 
    1. List three values from the list in the article that are similar to values you have.
    2. Click the dots related to those values. As you do this, jot down three potential careers related to each value.
  3. After you read, complete a quickwrite: Was your career listed as one that aligns with your values? Do you think your career aligns with your values? Tell how. Are there any values (ie, creativity, family focused) that your career won't fulfill? How will you still make sure you feel fulfilled in that part of your life?
3) Lesson Plan: Career Research Project - College and Values Connections (30 min)
  1. Open your copy of the Career Research Project document here
  2. Look over your work from yesterday. Identify what you need to finish today.
  3. Work on these tasks.
    1. Image result for career values
    2. If you want to draw your flow chart, you may. Take a picture and then save it to your drive OR email it to yourself, download it from your email, and upload it into your document.
    3. Remember, you record your information IN the document. This way, you'll have all your notes, links, pictures, etc in one place when you create your presentation. Include any links you use!
  4. Done early?
    1. Work with a partner to peer edit each other's TPEQEA paragraphs.
    2. Begin working on homework. 
4) Success Workshop/Closure: Time for YOU (until the end of class)
Image result for time for you
  1. Check your SMART goal in your planner and update any new assignments or due dates.
  2. Choose to spend time on one of the following:
    1. Homework
    2. ACA Email and Orientation quiz!!! Due Monday, 11:59pm
    3. Assignment revisions
    4. Note revisions
    5. Career/College tasks
    6. Draw/color/write/etc quietly

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