Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Where am I going? How will I get there? (Day 4) Daily Plans: Wednesday, 8 February

Happy Wednesday AVID Students!
Image result for and then storiesHomework:
-Make sure your Career Research notes are up-to-date. Avoid working ahead.
Big Idea: Our choices relate to our identity and goals
Essential Question: Where am I going? How will I get there?
Objectives: I can...
...summarize what we did in ACA.
...relate my career and college choices to my values.
...ask and contribute to Tutorials.
1) Warm Up: ACA "And then..." Story + ACA Recap and Reminders (15 min)
  1. Write a SMART goal for the week if you have not had time.
  2. Tell an ACA "And then" story. Start with us at the building and tell me about your ACA experience.
  3. Log in to Blackboard. If you cannot see ACA 111, add your name to the list here. If you cannot log in to Blackboard, add your name to the same document.
  4. Review your homework assignment! When is this due?
    1. Send an email to Mr. Testa.
    2. Complete your orientation quiz.
2) Lesson Plan Part 1: Career Research Project - College and Values Connections (30 min)
    Image result for careers and values
  1. Open your copy of the Career Research Project document here
  2. Review Monday's task and the tasks from Wednesday-Thursday and ask questions.
  3. Work on these tasks.
    1. If you want to draw your flow chart, you may. Take a picture and then save it to your drive OR email it to yourself, download it from your email, and upload it into your document.
    2. Remember, you record your information IN the document. This way, you'll have all your notes, links, pictures, etc in one place when you create your presentation. Include any links you use!
3) Lesson Plan Part 2: Tutorials (45 min)
    Image result for questions that help when you're stuck
  1. Before Tutorials:
    1. Take 5 minutes to polish and improve your TRF.
    2. Gather your notes, etc related to your TRF.
  2. During Tutorials:
    1. Move into Tutorial groups (3-4 people).
    2. Share your final concept rating (from your POC box) and determine your presentation orders.
    3. The presenter will give a 30 second speech ending with their POC.
    4. Group members will note questions asked and the presenter's work. One group member will take notes for the presenter.
    5. When the presenter thinks they understand the POC, they'll summarize their steps. Group members will ask any follow up questions.
    6. Repeat as time permits.
  3. Finished early?
    1. Image result for awesome questions
    2. Work on homework and ask each other questions as they come up.
    3. Read quietly.
    4. Explore the career resources on the TRF Resources tab.
  4. After Tutorials, complete a three minute quick write reflection: On the back of the TRF, respond to the Dr. Seuss quote.
    1. What was the most complicated question that you asked? Was the answer simple?
    2. When is it hard to come up with questions? Do you have any tips to make it easier?
Image result for time for you4) Success Workshop/Closure: Time for YOU (until the end of class)
  1. Organize your binder.
  2. Revisit your notes by highlighting key terms, writing HOT questions and summaries, or quizzing a neighbor using your notes.
  3. Work on homework.

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