Friday, February 10, 2017

Where am I going? How will I get there? (Day 6) Daily Plans: Friday, 10 February

Happy Friday AVID Students!
-Make sure your Career Research notes are up-to-date. Avoid working ahead.
Image result for time for you-ACA Assignment due Monday, 11:59pm: Email Mr. Testa and complete your orientation quiz!
-Field Trip forms are due Monday, Feb 20th!!!
Big Idea: Our choices relate to our identity and goals
Essential Question: Where am I going? How will I get there?
Objectives: I can...
...set and meet personal goals.
...find someone to contact about my career and plan questions to ask. create a class playlist.
...choose how to use my time.
1) Warm Up: Time for YOU (20 min)
  1. Skim over the tasks you have listed in your planner.
  2. Work on homework or another task.
  3. *Get a field trip form. You can see the cafeteria stations at NC A&T here and the menus here.*
Image result for professional email tips2) Lesson Plan: Career Research Project - Professional Connections (15 min)
  1. Open your copy of the Career Research Project document here
  2. Review Friday's task. Ask questions.
  3. Find your contact and plan your questions.
    1. Tips: 
      1. Go to your department's website at your first choice school.
      2. Find a "Faculty/Staff" page and choose someone who is a staff member or who works with undergraduates.
      3. Need ideas for questions? Check out the informational interview tips here.
    2. Remember, you record your information IN the document. This way, you'll have all your notes, links, pictures, etc in one place when you create your presentation. Include any links you use!
    3. Optional for bonus points: Email or call your person!
Image result for playlist3) Family Time Part 1: Create a Class Playlist (10 min)
  1. Identify a song that describes/speaks to you in some way. Think of this as your theme song.
  2. Find a link to a school appropriate version of that song.
  3. Add your song to the document here. Fill in the rest of the chart.
Image result for choice time
4) Family Time Part 2: Choice Time (Until the end of class)
  1. Finish any work you have.
  2. Choose a current event and discuss it.
  3. Create something awesome using recycled scraps and art materials.
  4. Draw a thank you note for someone.
  5. Play board games.
  6. Etc...

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