Friday, February 24, 2017

Where am I going? How will I get there? Daily Plans: Friday, 24 February

Image result for family timeHappy Friday AVID Students!
-Late: Field trip form and $15; Presentation and Career Research Notes; Identity Tree Work (see your Lee County email)
-ACA: Discussion board on procrastination due Tuesday, remember to thoughtfully reply to two posts!
Big Idea: Our choices relate to our identity and goals
Essential Question: Where am I going? How will I get there?
Objectives: I can...
...assess how well you study on your own versus with others. and contrast two colleges.
...relate themes from Inside Out to your experiences. 
1) Warm Up: Study Group Recap (10 min)
  1. Fill in the form below.
2) Finish College Choices Part 1: College Scavenger Hunt (25 min)
  1. Tips:
    1. Image result for college search
    2. Remember that sometimes the college website search functions aren't so great - use Google but then choose a link that goes to the college's website.
    3. If you can't find one GPA or ACT accepted, put the range or median - each college reports this information differently.
    4. Remember to include the YEARLY cost. There are 2 semester per year. 
  2. Not finished? Feel free to continue working while you watch Inside Out.
3) Family Time: "Inside Out" Showing (Until the end of class)
(Inside Out log here)
  1. Logistical/Timing Notes:
    1. 1st block: Get an Inside Out log and do the "Before you Watch" by 8:40 at the latest.
    2. 3rd block: Get an Inside Out log at 12:00 and complete your quick write BEFORE LUNCH. Meet in Mr. Holeczy's/Stern's room with your Inside Out log after lunch (12:38).
    3. 4th block: Get an Inside Out log and do the quick write at 1:55. Go to Mr. Holeczy's/Cheatham's room at 2:00.
  2. Before you watch: Complete a three-minute quick write that responds to one or all of the questions below:
    1. Image result for inside out
    2. What emotions are the loudest in your head?
    3. Did you move when you were little? What do you remember about the experience?
    4. Did you have imaginary friends when you were younger? What were they like?
  3. While you watch: Plan your answers to the questions below.
  4. After you watch:
    1. Which of the emotions do you think would be the star of Inside Out if you replaced Riley?
    2. What do you think your core memories are? 

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