Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Where am I going? How will I get there? Daily Plans: Thursday, 23 February

Happy Thursday AVID Students!
-Late: Field trip form and $15; Presentation and Career Research Notes; Identity Tree Work (see your Lee County email)
-ACA: Discussion board on procrastination due Tuesday
Big Idea: Our choices relate to our identity and goals
Essential Question: Where am I going? How will I get there?
Objectives: I can...
...recall topics I have learned about recently.
Image result for review and contrast two colleges.
...contribute a study group.
...assess my group study habits. 
1) Warm Up: Learning Log Pictionary (10 min)
  1. Update your TOC.
  2. Revisit your first 5 learning logs. 
    1. The purpose of learning logs is to reflect on what you have learned recently and to notice connections between what you are learning. 
    2. Write an index card reflection that responds to the following:
      1. Which part is easier for you - reflecting on what you've learned or seeing connections between what you are learning? Why do you think that is?
      2. Which type of learning log is your favorite and why?
  3. Play pictionary/charades/taboo with our cards from last week!
    1. One partner faces the board (clue giver) and one faces away from the board (guesser).
    2. I'll write a term on the board and tell you if you are acting, saying other related words, or drawing. The clue giver will give clues until the guesser (or another guesser) calls out the right term/topic. 
    3. The pair with the most correct answers wins a thing. 
2) Lesson Plan Part 1: College Choices Part 1: College Scavenger Hunt (25 min)
Image result for map of colleges in north carolina
Public Schools in NC
  1. Identify two colleges that may help you get where you want to go. One must be a public university in North Carolina. Methods for searching:
    1. Sign in > "Plan" > "For College" > "College Search" > Scroll down and select your filters. Keep an eye on how many matches CFNC gives you (it will always be less than the matches you have in reality, not sure why...).
    2. Take a look at some of the 17 public colleges in the UNC system here
    3. Use what you know from field trips, family, friends, etc. 
  2. Go to one of those college's websites and begin filling in your College Scavenger Hunt. 
Image result for map of colleges in north carolina
Private/Independent Schools in NC
3) Lesson Plan Part 2: Study Groups (Until the end of class)
  1. Before the Study Groups:
    1. Show me your study tool.
    2. Complete the top of your Study Groups Note Sheet.
    3. Gather your relevant notes.
    4. Break into study groups.
    5. Image result for study group meme
      1. 1st Period: All are in Foster's room
      2. 3rd Period (Head to rooms at 12:45):
        1. Holeczy's Room: World History, English 1, English 2
        2. Foster's Room: Math 3/Accuplacer Prep, PreCalc, Stats, Revisions/Make Up Work
        3. Grello's Room: Physical Science, Math 1
      3. 4th Period (Head to rooms at 2:00):
        1. Holeczy's Room: World History, English 1, English 2
        2. Foster's Room: Physical Science, PreCalc, Stats, Revisions/Make Up Work
        3. Delmaine's Room: Math 1, Math 3/Accuplacer Prep
  2. During the Study Groups:
    1. Share what topics your study tools review and what your study tools are.
    2. Choose an order to go in using the study tools.
    3. Study together!
    4. Fill in the concept map/note section of your Study Groups Note Sheet.
  3. After the Study Groups:
    1. Fill out the end of your Study Groups Note Sheet.
    2. Turn your Study Groups Note Sheet in to your AVID teacher on your way to your next class.

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