Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Where am I going? How will I get there? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 22 February

Image result for pomodoro studyingHappy Wednesday AVID Students!
-Due tomorrow: Study Tools
-Late: Field trip form and $15; Presentation and Career Research Notes; Identity Tree Work (see your Lee County email)
-ACA: Discussion board on procrastination due Tuesday
Big Idea: Our choices relate to our identity and goals
Essential Question: Where am I going? How will I get there?
Objectives: I can...
...describe and practice the Pomodoro Technique.
...choose verbs that agree with subjects in sample questions.
...create a study tool. 
...take timed breaks.
(Timer here; Sheet here.)
To Do
Mark an X each time you want to procrastinate/Find your mind wandering.
Pomodoro One
1st: 8:00-8:20
3rd: 11:26-11:46
4th: 1:22-1:42
-Complete the reading task about the Pomodoro Technique.
-Complete the grammar task here.
-Math 3: Work through questions from the practice test here.(Work on sentence skills, reading comprehension, and arithmetics.)
-Everyone Else: Work on your study tool.

Break 1
1st: 8:20-8:25
3rd: 11:46-11:51
4th: 1:42-1:47
Option 1: Draw on the back board.
Option 2: Read.

Pomodoro 2
1st: 8:25-8:45
3rd: 11:51-12:05&12:38-12:48
4th: 1:47-2:07
-Work on your study tool.
-If you finish, work on work for any class.

Break 2
1st: 8:45-8:50
3rd: 12:48-12:53
4th: 2:07-2:12
Option 1: Make a paper airplane and throw it.
Option 2: Go for a walk. Be silent in the hall. You must be back on time or you will be counted tardy for today.

Pomodoro 3
1st: 8:50-9:15
3rd: 12:53-1:13
4th: 2:12-2:38
-Work on your study tool.
-If you finish, work on work for any class.

Break 3
Until the end of the period
Complete the reflection below.
Option 1: Suggest a silly youtube video and watch them as a class.
Option 2: Color.
Option 3: Read.
Option 4: Chat.
Option 5: Play Spot it.

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