Sunday, February 19, 2017

Where am I going? How will I get there? Daily Plans: Monday, 20 February

Happy Monday AVID Students!
-Late: Field trip form and $15; Presentation and Career Research Notes
-Finish your ACA Student Life Journal
Big Idea: Our choices relate to our identity and goals
Essential Question: Where am I going? How will I get there?
Objectives: I can...
...write creatively.
...identify factors that are important and non-important when I choose a college.
...assess my progress this semester.
...create a study tool.
...set a SMART goal.
1) Warm Up: Creative Writing (10 min)
  1. Continue working on a story you have started previously OR, choose one of the following to respond to.
  2. Think about the books you've read. Which characters should be most mad at their authors? Why?
  3. Think about the Pixar movies you've seen. What do you think Pixar should give feelings to in their next movie? Why? What would make it interesting?
What if ____ had feelings?

2) Literacy Block: 15 important-ish factors to consider when choosing a college (20 min)
  1. Before you read, tell your neighbor some of the questions you would ask if you were visiting a college. (You listed these in your career cluster research document.)
  2. While you read:
    1. Image result for what to consider when applying to college
    2. List 3 "important-ish factors" that you will use when you start to pick a college.
    3. List 2 "important-ish factors" that you will not use (or that won't be a make it or break it factor) when you pick a college.
    4. Name one factor from the list that you think is most important.
  3. After you read: 
    1. Image result for study notes
    2. Share lists with your table. 
    3. Name any colleges that you can think of that meet most of these factors.
3) Lesson Plan: Study Tool Creation Day 1 (30 min)

  1. Fill out the beginning of your Study Groups Note Sheet.
  2. Select a topic and study tool.
  3. Begin creating your study tool. 
  4. Are you in Math 3? Make a review tool for the Accuplacer.
    1. What is the Accuplacer? A placement test that will help you get into your next math class. You need to pass the math and English parts to take statistics/MAT 152.
    2. What is on the Accuplacer? Basic math, sentence skills, reading comprehension, and a writing test
    3. When is the Accuplacer? Math is on Feb 27 at 9am, English is on March 13 at 9am
    4. Can I retake it? Math, yes. English, no.
    5. What resources do I have? See the "Math 3: Accuplacer Review" and Accuplacer section of the "TRF Resources" tabs. 
    6. What study tools can I make? I would suggest an organizer with notes and practice problems OR a web resources document. See the picture below.
4) Closure/Success Workshop: Start SMART (Until the end of class)

    Image result for smart goals
  1. Update your planner to include upcoming due dates, tests, events, etc.
  2. Write an academic or personal SMART goal for the week. Remember, this must be specific and measurable. 
    1. Ex: I will study for my math test M-W for 30 min each night by revising notes, completing my study guide, and discussing confusing parts with a friend.
    2. Non-Ex: I will get an A in math.
  3. Make sure I have seen your presentation and research notes.
  4. ACA tomorrow! See you in Lett Hall! Turn in your journal entries. 

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