Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Where am I going? Daily Plans: Friday, 4 November

Happy Friday AVID Students!
Image result for catch up time****************************
1) Read to meet your book club goal for next week. 
2) Make sure you have started the "Imagine" row in your game/project document before next Friday.
3) Register for crazy classes at UNC Splash! Final registration date is tomorrow!
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: Where am I going?
Objectives: I can...
...set and meet personal goals.
...research issues I care about.
...determine elements of a board game or project related to my issue.
...discuss what I have read this week.
1) Warm Up: Ten for YOU! (10 min)
Choose one of the options below to work on for 10 minutes. This is silent work time!
  1. Read to meet your book club goal.
  2. Continue registering for UNC Splash.
  3. Work on your "My Future Story" or game design/self designed project.
  4. Complete other homework. 
  5. Organize your binder.
Image result for board games2) Who am I? Where am I going? What will I give back? Board Game Challenge (35 min)
  1. Open and copy the document here.
  2. Read through the Ask and Imagine sections.
  3. Ask questions. 
  4. Work through as much of the Ask and Imagine sections of your game design challenge document as you can.
  5. *When you finish the Imagine section is when you may start to pitch your project and recruit others to your team/group.*
Image result for book club3) Book Club Meeting 2: Opportunity to Cross the Threshold OR Refuse the Call (Until class ends)
  1. Discuss what you read this week. Follow the protocol in the document here
  2. If you have all realized it will be better to abandon this book, you may complete a 1 page book roast and then choose a new book. You will need to re-create your book club contract.
  3. Finish your discussion and complete an activity today (See your contract and the options here).
  4. Choose a snack or food that is related to your book to bring in for next Friday.

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