Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Where am I going? Daily Plans: 3 November 2016

Happy Thursday AVID Students!
Image result for college and career choices****************************
1) Read to meet your book club goal for tomorrow.
2) Write poetry for Karma's Take Five (tonight!)! Register for crazy classes at UNC Splash!
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: Where am I going?
Objectives: I can...
...reflect on my learning this week.
...identify the value of making early career decisions.
...write about what I want in my future.
...set and meet personal goals.
1) Warm Up: Learning Log (10 min)
  1. Choose a learning log option to complete.
  2. Spend 2 minutes flipping through your binders to review what you have learned recently.
  3. Fill in your learning log.
  4. Stand up-Hand up-Pair up to share your log with others.
  5. Add your learning log to your binder as "Learning Log 3" (TOC #27).
2) Literacy Block: Colleges? Careers? Which choice? When? (30 min)
  1. Before you read:
  2. Image result for college and career choices
    1. Set up a note sheet for today. EQ: Where am I going?; Topic: College and Career Choices; Date: 3 Nov 2016
    2. Create a T-chart titled "What I am wired to do" and "What I am not wired to do".
    3. List at least 5 things in each category. Make these specific and as relevant to future goals as possible. For example, "cooking" would be more helpful to list than "eating pizza".
    4. Stuck? Ask yourself the following: What hobbies do you have that you could earn money from? What are your skills? What do you feel "called" to do? What makes you feel like you used a day well?
  3. While you partner read, list the order in which many teens and young adults make college and career decisions. Draw arrows and add labels showing how the author recommends you change this normal order.
  4. After your read:
    1. Discuss, as a table, why choosing a career first is a good idea.
    2. Skim through one of the course catalogs below. Note two unique classes that sound interesting to you and a career that you can think of that relates to each one.
      1. UNC Pembroke (Select the pdf icon to the left of the name of a program, such as "American Indian Studies" or "Art".)
      2. UNC Charlotte (Click on the name of the course for a description.)
      3. CCCC's course catalog (Select "Download full catalog" and scroll through.)
    3. Share out as a class: What have you done so far to choose a career? What else can you do?
Image result for my future story3) Lesson Plan: My Future Story (25 min)

  1. Copy the document here. Name it "Your name - My Future Story".
  2. Read through the assignment and ask questions as needed. 
  3. Grading: You will be graded on thoughtful completion of the assignment (40 pts), attention to detailed instructions (10 pts), and you will receive thoughts to consider from me.
  4. Complete as much of "The Basics" section as you can today.
  5. *If you realize you may fall behind, work on this at home or at lunch. I am excited to read these!*
Image result for my future story

4) Success Workshop: Time for YOU!

  1. Option 1: Read to meet your book club goal for tomorrow.
  2. Option 2: Write poetry to share at Karma Coffee tonight.
  3. Option 3: Continue registering for UNC Splash.
  4. Option 4: Work on your "My Future Story" or game design/self designed project.
  5. Option 5: Complete other homework. 
  6. Option 6: Organize your binder.

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