Sunday, November 6, 2016

Where am I going? Daily Plans: Monday, 7 November

Happy Monday AVID Students!
1) Due Wednesday: TRF
2) Due ASAP: UNCP form and $15 (Trip is NEXT MONDAY! WOOT!)
3) By Thursday: Read your book club book, make progress on "Imagine" or "Proposal" section of your game/design project
4) By next Tuesday: My Future Story is due before the end of class (*NOTE: This is a date change!*)
“ #731
financial supporter patches for politicians
[This seems like the right week to post this one. And if you don’t know why… you could start by reading this editorial.]
from the archives: writing prompt #731 — I wonder how this...Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: Where am I going?
Objectives: I can...
...write creatively and persuasively.
...visualize and describe my future.
...track the history of UNC-Pembroke.
...set and meet personal goals.
1) Warm Up: Creative, Persuasive Writing (10 min)
  1. Read the prompt to the right.
  2. Ask questions as needed.
  3. Respond to the prompt: "How do you think politics would be different if politicians had to show the logos of their supporters on their clothes?"
  4. Highlight one line of your writing to share with the class.

Literacy Block: UNC Pembroke Preview (25 min)
Original Building
Historic UNC P building

  1. Set up a note sheet. EQ: Where am I going?; Topic: UNC Pembroke Preview; Date: 7 Nov 2016
  2. Before you read about Pembroke's history, see how good of a choice UNC-P is for you! Take the "How brave are you?" quiz here.
  3. While you partner read: 
    1. Individually, create a timeline of UNC-P's history using the link here.
    2. Include 6 events with years that you think are most important.
    3. *Every person's timeline will be unique!*
  4. After you read:
  5. Image result for unc pembroke how brave are you
    UNC Pembroke Braves
    1. Write a point and an example sentence: "The most important event in Pembroke's history was ___ because ___. This is obvious from.../For example,..."
    2. Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up and swap papers with your partner. 
    3. Without talking, write feedback on your person's paper. Add additional events, argue that they are wrong about the most important event, or say, "Oh wow! I agree because...".
    4. Repeat with a new partner.
    5. Read the feedback your partners wrote to you with your original partner. 

3) Lesson Plan: My Future Story (30 min)
    Image result for my future story
  1. Open your "My Future Story" document. 
  2. Note the date changes!
    1. Thursday: Start "The Basics"
    2. Monday: Finish "The Basics", start two scenes
    3. Tuesday: Finish two scenes
    4. Tuesday: Provide peer feedback and make revisions
  3. Finish writing "The Basics" and begin writing your two scenes.
4) Success Workshop and Closure (15 min)
  1. Add upcoming due dates to your planner. Write a goal for the week.
  2. Spend 5 minutes revising your notes or organizing your binder.
  3. Choose to read for book club or to work on your game design project.

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