Monday, October 31, 2016

Where am I going? Daily Plans: Tuesday, 1 November

Happy Tuesday AVID Students!
2) Karma Coffee's Take Five Open Mic is this Thursday, Nov 3; UNC Splash is next Saturday, Nov 12
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: Where am I going?
Objectives: I can...
...identify trends in the cost of education.
...evaluate the impact of different choices on your future financial situation.
...interview a classmate about college choices.
...assess my organization.
1) Warm Up: Trends in the Cost of College (7 min)
  1. Set up a note sheet. EQ: Where am I going?; Topic: Cost of College; Date: 1 Nov 2016
  2. Describe the difference between a "public four-year" and "private non-profit four-year" university. Look up the difference as needed.
  3. Note the trends shown in the graph.
  4. Compare your responses to a neighbor's and add on to your notes as needed.
  5. Brainstorm how we can make college affordable.
Image result for changing cost of college

2) Literacy Block: Graphing the value of college! (20 min)
  1. Draw an x-y coordinate.
  2. Label the x axis with 1-10 years and the y-axis from -$60,000 to $60,000 with a scale of $10,000.
  3. Graph two lines:
    1. Entered the Workforce instead of Finishing High School:
      1. As soon as you left high school, you started working for minimum wage without losing any money to pay for college.
      2. Find the slope. You will earn $444/week. How much will you make in a year? 
      3. Sketch this line.
    2. Bachelor's Degree Employee.
      1. You are lucky and get a job right after college. However, college cost you $50,000. (Identify your y-intercept.)
      2. Find the slope. You will earn $1,078/week. How much will you make in a year? 
      3. Sketch this line.
  4. Show the point at which you begin to make more in one scenario with a *star*. 
  5. In a point and example sentence state why college is worth it.
3) Lesson Plan: Choosing a College Peer Interviews (25 min)
    Image result for choosing a college
  1. Count off and scramble into new groups. 
  2. Read your list of interview questions (in your notes from yesterday!) to your group. 
  3. Add one to two questions to your list.
  4. Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up to find a partner.
  5. Choose an interviewer and interviewee and complete one person's questions. The interviewer will ask questions and record the interviewee's responses. Practice paraphrasing between questions so you can ensure you have an accurate summary of your interviewee's responses.
  6. Switch roles.
  7. Debrief as a class: What questions did you hear asked frequently? Which questions were most helpful? Most stressful?
4) Success Workshop: Binder and Notebook Check
  1. Work with a partner to fill in the form below.
  2. When you are done, read, work on homework, finish your TRF, or reorganize your binder and revise your notes. 

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