Sunday, October 30, 2016

Where am I going? Daily Plans: Monday, 31 October 2016

Happy Monday AVID Students!

-Don't eat too much candy :)
-TRF due Wednesday (1st period - get them from the orange basket)
-Consider getting involved in our community!
*Thursday, Nov 3rd: Take 5 poetry night at Karma Coffee
*Saturday, Nov 12th: Take classes taught by UNC Students at UNC! $15, make an account and register here (go to the bottom to create an account - this will help you get used to college course registration in the future!)
Image result for weird college classes****************************
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: Where am I going? 
Objectives: I can...
...explore unique college courses.
...identify how to find a college that is a good fit for me. on my long term game design project.
...organize my work.
(AVID Standards: 9-CD.B.4-5; COMM.A.6-7; WRI.C.3; INQ.A,C.1-2; COLL.A.1-4; ORG.C.1) 
1st period, please email me if you have questions. Stick to the times mentioned so you can move through today's lesson.
1) Warm Up: Invent a College Class (10 min)

  1. Set up a note page for today. Essential Question: Where am I going?; Topic: College Choices; Date: 31 Oct 2016
  2. Skim through (you do not need to read word for word) the list of unique classes here.
  3. Write your response:
    1. Option 1: Choose one of the classes listed in the article to take. Describe why you would take that course.
    2. Option 2: Invent your own course that should be added to the list. List what students would learn in your course.

2) Choosing a College (25 min)

Image result for choosing a college
  1. Before you read: Write a one minute quick write about what you are looking for in a college.
  2. While you read...
    1. ...Quick Guide: Starting your College Search jot down a checklist of what you need to do soon to prepare.
    2. ...How to Choose a College that is Right for You note at least 4 tips that seem important to you.
  3. After you read:
    1. Pretend you are a guidance counselor or AVID teacher.
    2. List 7 questions you would ask a student who is struggling with choosing a college.
    3. **Leave space for an answer after each question. We will do peer interviews tomorrow.**
3) Who am I? Where am I going? What will I give back? Board Game Challenge (20 min)
    Image result for board games
  1. Open your copy of the document here.
  2. Continue working on the "Ask" section of the document (the first row in the table, both before and after the line of stars (******).
4) Success Workshop: Revise and Organize (Until the end of class)
  1. Revise your notes:
    1. Highlight key terms.
    2. Write HOT questions and summaries.
  2. Organize your binders:
    1. Write your name on the cover of each binder.
    2. Make sure you have a pencil case, planner, and TOCs.
    3. Put all papers in the rings in your binder.
  3. Binder and note check tomorrow!
  4. **1st period! Take TRFs from the orange basket by the turn in drawers on the side table.**
  5. Read your book club book!

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