Thursday, October 27, 2016

What is my role in my community? Daily Plans: Friday, 28 October

Happy Thursday AVID Students!
Homework: Consider getting involved in our community!
*Saturday, Oct 29th, 9:00am: Costume and Family Friendly 5k at Kiwanis! Support Michael S as he works on his Eagle Scout project! 
*Thursday, Nov 3rd: Take 5 poetry night at Karma Coffee
*Saturday, Nov 12th: Take classes taught by UNC Students at UNC! $15, make an account and register here (go to the bottom to create an account - this will help you get used to college course registration in the future!)
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: What is my role in my community?
Objectives: I can...
...reflect on my contribution to our Family Fair.
...determine an issue I want to educate others about.
...discuss what my group has read so far.
(AVID Standards: 9-CD.B.4-5; COMM.A.6-7; WRI.C.3; INQ.A,C.1-2; COLL.A.1-4; ORG.C.1) 
1) Warm Up: Family Fair Feedback and Reflection (10 min)

2) Who am I? Where am I going? What will I give back? Board Game Challenge (30 min)
  1. List what made Pandemic, Spent, and the Carbon Cap and Trade game interesting, challenging, frustrating, eye-opening, and/or boring.
  2. Open and copy the document here.
  3. Rename it "YOUR NAME, class number - Game Design Challenge" (ex: Sarah Morales, 3rd - Game Design Challenge). OR Choose to go to the modified version (see link in doc) and create your own project instead of doing a game.
  4. Skim and ask questions.
  5. Work through as much of the Ask and Imagine sections of your game design challenge document as you can.
3) Book Club Meeting 2: The Call to Adventure and Meeting with the Mentor
  1. Meet with your group and choose your activities for each week noted on your book club contract. Use the options here. You may suggest your own.
  2. Begin discussing what you read this week. Follow the protocol in the document here.
  3. When called, meet with me to discuss your plans.
  4. Finish your discussion and complete a short activity today.

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