Thursday, October 27, 2016

What is my role in my community? Daily Plans: Thursday, 27 October

Happy Thursday AVID Students!
-BE HERE TONIGHT! Family Fair is TONIGHT from 5:30-7:00pm in the gym. 
-Upcoming Events: 
*Saturday, Oct 29th, 9:00am: Costume and Family Friendly 5k at Kiwanis! Support Michael S as he works on his Eagle Scout project! 
*Thursday, Nov 3rd: Take 5 poetry night at Karma Coffee
*Saturday, Nov 12th: Take classes taught by UNC Students at UNC! $15, make an account and register here (go to the bottom to create an account - this will help you get used to college course registration in the future!)
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: What is my role in my community?
Objectives: I can...
...create a reading avatar.
...prepare for our Family Fair.
...set and meet a personal goal.
(AVID Standards: 9-CD.B.4-5; COMM.A.6-7; WRI.C.3; INQ.A,C.1-2; COLL.A.1-4; ORG.C.1) 
Image result for types of readers****************************
1) Warm Up: Reading Avatar (12 min)
  1. Take out your piece of card stock from last week.
  2. Check what your book club role is if you need to. Look up this character.
  3. Draw yourself as a reading superhero or supervillain. 
  4. List your powers from the roles and responsibilities document AND when you contribute to the book club meeting (early, middle, etc.).
  5. Note some topics you would like to discuss or questions you would like to ask your group.
  6. Time Permitting: Create a side kick. 
  7. Put this where you can find it during book club meetings.
2) Family Fair Preparation Time:
  1. Finish your Family Fair planning sheet AND update your to do list on the back of your feedback log. Staple these together. These will be a component in your grade!
  2. Complete your poster. Include the following information:
    1. The name of your station
    2. The goal of your station
    3. Any key vocab words defined (ex: potential energy, identity, etc.)
    4. Steps to follow
    5. Pictures and sketches
    6. 3-5 bullet points that show how this activity relates to what we do at LEC
  3. Practice running through your revised activity. Time permitting, ask someone from another group for feedback one more time.
  4. Done? 
    1. Gather all the materials you need in the gym and put them on the back table.
    2. Make "Welcome to LEC's Family Fair" posters.
  5. Clean up! Respect our learning space!
    1. Close and wipe off glue bottles.
    2. Put markers in the correct place.
    3. Recycle all small scrap paper.
    4. Put large scrap paper in the clear bin.
    5. Pick up two pieces of trash from the floor and recycle or throw them out.
3) Done Early? SMART Study/De-Stress Hall
Image result for catch up time
  1. On a sticky note, write what you will do with your time.
  2. Options:
    1. Work on homework.
    2. Revise your notes. (Note check next Tuesday.)
    3. Organize your binder. (Binder check next Tuesday.)
    4. Read to meet your book club goal.
    5. Color.
    6. Play a board game.

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