Wednesday, October 26, 2016

What is my role in my community? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 26 October

Happy Wednesday AVID Students!
Image result for run a 5k costume
-BE READY! Family Fair is Thursday from 5:30-7:00pm in the gym. You may stay until the event. Bring money if you want to order pizza with classmates. We will begin setting up at 5:00 in the gym. Wear an LEC shirt or red shirt!
-Upcoming Events: 
*Costume and Family Friendly 5k at Kiwanis on Saturday, October 29, 9am! Support Michael S as he works on his Eagle Scout project! 
*Take 5 poetry night at Karma Coffee is next Thursday!
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: What is my role in my community?
Objectives: I can...
...revisit my notes.
...ask questions at different levels.
...contribute to an AVID tutorial by asking and answering questions.
(AVID Standards: 9-CD.B.4-5; COMM.A.6-7; WRI.C.3; INQ.A,C.1-2; COLL.A.1-4; ORG.C.1) 
1) Warm Up: Family Fair Station List
  1. Meet with your Family Fair group.
  2. Open the document here.
  3. Add your station as a row.
2) Gather your Notes (7 min)
Image result for look it up!
Look it up!
Don't tell me "I don't have notes!"
  1. Put your TRF on your desk.
  2. Take out your binder and notes for the class your TRF is on.
  3. Use a sticky note to tab relevant assignments and notes.
  4. Highlight key terms.
  5. Add HOT questions.
  6. No notes? Find a related homework assignment, quiz, test, or paper. Still nothing? Look online! Try doing a google image search of the topic with "for kids" at the end OR search the topic name + BBC bitesize. 
3) Tutorial Time!
  1. Before Tutorials:
  2. Image result for costa's questions
    1. Write two questions from your notes or about the topic of your TRF on separate scraps of paper and identify which Costa's levels the questions are. Avoid yes/no questions.
    2. Move into groups of 3-4.
    3. Stack all your question scraps, question down, in the middle of the table.
    4. Roll the dice to determine what question level you need to write. Dice # 1-2 = Costa's Level 1; Dice # 3-4 = Costa's Level 2; Dice # 5-6 = Costa's Level 3
    5. Write the level number on your paper.
    6. Draw a question.
    7. ALL group members list as many questions related to the question you pulled that are at your assigned Costa's level. You have one minute.
    8. Repeat steps 5-8 until time is called.
    9. Pass your paper to the right. 
    10. Verify that your partner's questions were the right level and tally how many questions they wrote.
    11. The person with the most questions gets a prize (maybe). 
  3. In Tutorial Groups:
    1. Share your concept ratings to choose the first presenter.
    2. Give a 30 second speech.
    3. Ask and answer clarifying questions. 
    4. Take notes for the presenter.
    5. Does the presenter get it? Ask the presenter to explain this concept to another classmate.
    6. Repeat.
  4. After Tutorials:
    1. Finished early? Work on homework for the class your TRF is on. Ask for help if needed.
    2. Complete a reflection.

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