Monday, October 24, 2016

What is my role in my community? Daily Plans: Tuesday, 25 October

Happy Tuesday AVID Students!
-Due Tomorrow: TRF
Image result for read on!-BE READY! Family Fair is Thursday from 5:30-7:00pm in the gym. You may stay until the event. Bring money if you want to order pizza with classmates. We will begin setting up at 5:00 in the gym.
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: What is my role in my community?
Objectives: I can...
...summarize what I read.
...revisit my notes.
...organize my binder.
...use feedback from peers and my teacher to improve a presentation.
(AVID Standards: 9-CD.B.4-5; COMM.A.6-7; WRI.C.3; INQ.A,C.1-2; COLL.A.1-4; ORG.C.1) 
1) Warm Up: Reading Time (12 min)
  1. Read to meet your book club page goal for 10 minutes.
  2. Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up: Find someone from your group and give a one sentence summary of what you read.
Image result for unorganized binder
AHHHH! Fix this!
2) Fifteen for YOU: Note and Binder Revision Time (15 min)
  1. Add HOT questions and summaries to your notes.
  2. Highlight key terms.
  3. Make sure your name is on the front of each binder.
  4. Update your TOCs.
  5. Put all papers in the correct order.
3) Family Fair Preparation Time:
  1. Finish your Family Fair planning sheet AND update your to do list on the back of your feedback log. Staple these together. These will be a component in your grade!
  2. Complete your poster. Include the following information:
  3. Image result for families at school
    1. The name of your station
    2. The goal of your station
    3. Any key vocab words defined (ex: potential energy, identity, etc.)
    4. Steps to follow
    5. Pictures and sketches
    6. 3-5 bullet points that show how this activity relates to what we do at LEC
  4. Practice running through your revised activity. Time permitting, ask someone from another group for feedback one more time.
  5. Clean up! Respect our learning space!
    1. Close and wipe off glue bottles.
    2. Put markers in the correct place.
    3. Recycle all small scrap paper.
    4. Put large scrap paper in the clear bin.
    5. Pick up two pieces of trash from the floor and recycle or throw them out.

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