Sunday, October 23, 2016

What is my role in my community? Daily Plans: Monday, 24 October

Happy Monday AVID Students!
Image result for i voted-Due Wednesday: TRF-BE READY! Family Fair is Thursday from 5:30-7:00pm in the gym. You may stay until the event. Bring money if you want to order pizza with classmates. We will begin setting up at 5:00 in the gym.
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: What is my role in my community?
Objectives: I can...
...finalize a speech.
...speak persuasively.
...use information from a variety of countries to make a decision.
...reflect on the impact of our decisions.
(AVID Standards: 9-CD.B.4-5; COMM.A.6-7; WRI.C.3; INQ.A,C.1-2; COLL.A.1-4; ORG.C.1; REA.A.1-2;B.1-3) 
1) Warm Up: MicroUN Final Preparations (20 min)

  1. Put final touches on your speech.
  2. Write a note card that has your part of your group's speech on it.
  3. Practice your speech.
  4. Review the grading checklist here.
  5. Gather your materials for turning in. 
  6. Set up Cornell notes. Topic: MicroUN Conference; Date: 24 Oct 2016
    1. Format suggestions: Concept maps for each country, outline, chart

2) MicroUN Conference (40 min)
  1. The speaker (teacher) will summarize the resolution being voted on.
  2. We will roll dice to determine presentation orders.
  3. Share your speech.
  4. Take notes as you listen. Include:
    1. Image result for United nations conference agenda
    2. Country's name
    3. How the country is voting (for, for with modifications, against)
    4. Justification for voting (why is the country voting that way?)
    5. Interesting or convincing facts
    6. How you'll vote after this speech
  5. Vote.
  6. Write a summary and reflection at the end of your Cornell notes. Use sentences!
    1. Which country was the most persuasive? Why? Did you vote the way did?
    2. How did you vote? How did you make your decision?
    3. How do you think the result of our vote would impact the world? 
    4. What was the most interesting part of the MicroUN process? Most challenging?
  7. Share out what you think the world would be like if the UN made a similar decision.
  8. Staple all papers together and turn them in.
3) Remaining Time: Family Fair preparations

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