Wednesday, October 19, 2016

What is my role in my community? Daily Plans: Thursday, 20 October

Happy Thursday AVID Students!
Image result for unc pembrokeHomework: 
-Due Monday: Speech planned for MicroUN
-Upcoming important dates: Family Fair, Thursday, October 27th; UNC Pembroke Trip, Monday, November 14th, $15
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: What is my role in my community?
Objectives: I can...
...reflect on my learning this semester.
...write a speech persuading others to vote with us in the MicroUN conference.
...practice our Family Fair activity and presentation.
...assess my progress toward my goals.
(AVID Standards: 9-CD.B.4-5; COMM.A.6-7; WRI.C.3; INQ.A,C.1-2; COLL.A.1-4; ORG.C.1; REA.A.1-2;B.1-3) 
1) Warm Up: Learning Log (12 min)
Image result for graphic organizer about science
  1. Flip through your old learning logs and highlight concepts that you can in some way relate to each other.
  2. Option 1: Create a graphic organizer showing how a bunch of the material you have learned this year is related. Consider a flowchart or fishbone diagram. Include at least 16 concepts/terms you have learned.
  3. Option 2: Write a run-on, comma spliced sentence showing connections between what you have learned. (Ex: _____ relates to ____ which relates to ____ that we learned in ____ which relates to ____ because _____.) Include at least 16 concepts/terms you have learned.
  4. Share your log with a classmate.
  5. Add this to your binder as TOC #26: "Learning Logs Compiled!".
  6. When you finish, begin to skim through the books for Book Club Round 2 so you can suggest a book tomorrow to your group.
2) Lesson Plan Part 2: MicroUN Speech Writing (30 min)
  1. Complete your speech pre-writing.
    1. Fill out one packet per group. I expect to see each member's hand writing on your paper!
    2. Use the information from your research packets.
    3. Once you finish, write your speech. 
  2. Final speeches are due on Monday, 24 October.
3) Lesson Plan: Family Fair Preparation (30 min)
Image result for family events
  1. Try your activity.
  2. Get a poster board or trifold poster board. On this board include the following information:
    1. The name of your station
    2. The goal of your station
    3. Any key vocab words defined (ex: potential energy, identity, etc.)
    4. Steps to follow
    5. Pictures and sketches
    6. 3-5 bullet points that show how this activity relates to what we do at LEC
  3. Where we are headed: Be ready to share your activity with classmates TOMORROW for feedback. You will have time to revise and finalize your plans next Tuesday and Thursday.
4) Success Workshop and Closure: Goal Check (5 min)
Fill in the form below.

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