Thursday, October 6, 2016

How can communities support student success? Daily Plans: Friday, 7 October

Happy Friday AVID Students!
FALBREAK is next Monday and Tuesday! Enjoy!
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: How can communities support student success?
Objectives: I can...
...share information about the book I read.
...critique the AVID elective.
Image result for book club...look at events from the perspective of my country.
...set and meet personal goals.
(9-CD.B.5; WRI.C.3,D.3; INQ.B; COLL.A.1,2; ORG.B; REA.B.2-3) 
1) Book Club Share Fair
  1. Before the Share Fair, take 10 minutes to put final final touches on whatever you are sharing with us.
  2. Share Fair Time!
    1. Tell us your book's title and author.
    2. Share your artifact.
    3. Finish the sentence, "You would enjoy this book if ________."
  3. After the Share Fair: Fill in the Google Form below to make suggestions for our next round of book clubs AND to help us improve AVID as a whole.

    2) Family Day Options:
      Image result for smart goal
    1. Make any last minute revisions or finish work.
    2. Finish any homework you have for Fall Break.
    3. No work?
      1. Organize your binder.
      2. Revise your notes.
      3. Read quietly.
      4. Play Pandemic or Spot It.
      5. Build with legos.

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