Tuesday, October 11, 2016

What supports your success? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 12 October

Image result for hurricane matthew north carolina
Rocky Mount, NC
Happy Wednesday AVID Students!
Homework: None
**Family Fair: Thursday, October 27th**
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: What supports your success?
Objectives: I can...
...describe my fall break experiences.
...represent functions in a variety of ways.
...determine what issues my country prioritizes.
...write a SMART goal for tonight.
(9-CD.B.5; WRI.C.3,D.3; INQ.B; COLL.A.1,2; ORG.B; REA.B.2-3) 
Image result for hurricane matthew****************************
1) Warm Up: Fall Break/Hurricane Matthew Reflection (10 min)
Choose one of the options below and work for 7 min.

  1. Create a "Wanted" poster for one thing you wish you had had over Fall Break. (ie: I wish I had had a lighter for all my useless candles.) Include 5 bullet points describing why this thing is so important.
  2. Draw an adult/mindful coloring page that shows a scene from your Fall Break. Write a 3 sentence caption for your coloring page.
  3. Write a journal entry (6 sentences) with doodles (3) that tells about your Fall Break.
  4. Image result for hurricane matthew north carolina
    Swiftwater rescue teams
     from state and nationwide
    helping after Matthew
  5. Look up current/continuing issues in North Carolina or Haiti and write a 4 sentence summary assessing risks and 2 suggestions on cutting these risks.

2) Literacy Block: The Whole Picture Week 4

  1. On your own:
    1. Take out "The Whole Picture".
    2. Complete representation 4.
    3. Highlight the y-intercept in one color and the slope in another.
  2. As a table group:
    1. Help each other check answers.
    2. Ensure that everyone has highlighted his or her work correctly.

3) Lesson Plan: MicroUN Conference Preparation
Image result for united nations
    1. Finish on your country research packet. Use the CIA World Factbook here.
    2. Create a T-chart on a piece of notebook paper. Label one side "Resolutions we would agree with" and the other "Resolutions we would change or disagree with".
    3. Assign each person in your group a year on the website here.
    4. Skim through 2-4 resolutions.
    5. For each resolution, jot down the name and why would would agree with it, disagree with it, or change it.
    6. Pass your paper to the right.
    7. On your new paper, *star* decisions you agree with, write questions next to resolutions you have questions about.
    8. Pass your paper to the right and repeat.
    9. Pass your paper again and list trends that you noticed while you read each T-Chart. What issues do you think are most important to your country? Why? What issues are most contraversial to your country? Why?
    10. Add this to your binder, TOC #24 Resolution Evaluation.
    11. Use your new information to fill in the google form below. (Suggestion: Skim through recent resolution titles here (Click on 2014, 2015, or 2016.) What do you think is missing?)

    4) Closure: SMART Goal Exit Ticket

    1. Take out your planner.
    2. Write a SMART goal that you can realistically finish TONIGHT in today's date.
    3. We will give each other feedback on our goal setting tomorrow.
    Image result for SMART goals

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