Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How can communities support student success? Daily Plans: Thursday, 6 October

Happy Thursday AVID Students!
Image result for learning reflection-Finish your book, make your book club share fair artifact
-Bonus (also due Friday): Parent interview
-Late work and revisions
FALBREAK is next Monday and Tuesday! Enjoy!
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: How can communities support student success?
Objectives: I can...
...reflect on what I have learned this week.
...list what makes a resolution effective.
...organize for our Family Fair.
...set and meet goals.
(9-CD.B.5; WRI.C.3,D.3; INQ.B; COLL.A.1,2; ORG.B; REA.B.2-3) 
1) Warm Up: Learning Log (7 min)
  1. Add on to your learning log (TOC #16).
  2. Skim through your TOCs and write about what you have learned from 28 Sept - 6 October.
2) Literacy Block: Choosing Sides: Agreeing or Disagreeing with Resolutions (MicroUN Conference Preparation) (30 min)
  1. Before you Read: 
    1. Vocab Intro
    2. Note key features in a resolution using the resource here.
    3. Skim through the resolution here
    4. Identify where the preamble ends and operative part begins.
  2. While you read:
    1. List and define three words (you may use your phone).
    2. Summarize the purpose of this resolution by summarizing the preamble.
    3. For each operative part/clause that you think your country would agree with, list the number and what action they would have to take. Note why your country would agree.
    4. For each operative part/clause that you think your country would disagree with, list the number and what action they would have to take. Note why your country would disagree.
  3. After you Read: 
    1. Review your answers with your country group and make revisions as needed.
    2. Choose to respond to Step 5 or Step 6 and complete that task.
    3) Lesson Plan: Planning our Family Fair Night (15 min)
    1. Choose your group (3-4 people total) to work with. Make sure there are at least two people who will definitely be there on the night of the event! (You have 1 minute or I will assign groups.)
    2. Discuss what activity you want to do. Use the sheet here for ideas.
    3. Add your activity and group members to the sheet here
    4. We will make sure there are no repeats and then you will write your proposal next week.
    Image result for family event

    Image result for catch up day4) Success Workshop and Closure:
    1. Add 5 summaries or HOT questions to your notes from one class. (5 min)
    2. Put final touches on your book club share fair artifact. (15 min)
    3. Revise work, work on homework, read, or play Pandemic or Spot It until the end of class.

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