Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How can communities support student success? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 5 October

Happy Wednesday AVID Students!
Suggested Homework:
-Review your Hurricane Plan with your family (see the website here)
Homework DUE FRIDAY:
Image result for how to talk to your parents-Finish your book, make your book club share fair artifact
-Bonus (also due Friday): Parent interview
-Late work and revisions
FALBREAK is next Monday and Tuesday! Enjoy!
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: How can communities support student success?
Objectives: I can...
...apply grammar practice exercises to my own writing. and contrast differing perspectives.
...ask clarifying questions.
...identify where I get stuck in classwork.
(9-CD.D.3,4; COMM.A.5-7, B.2-3; WRI.B.2,3; INQ.B; COLL.A.1,3; ORG.B.4) 
1) Warm Up: Applying Grammar Skills (20 min)
  1. Finish and revise your 10 sentence article (See Monday's blog post for ideas). (10 min)
    1. Highlight your claims.
    2. Underline the evidence that supports your claims.
    3. Check for and correct: sentence fragments (TOC #7); missing commas (TOC #15); comma splices and fused sentences (TOC #18); and parallel structure (TOC #22).
  2. Write one DWC about the content of your article and one DWC about the grammar and spelling in your article.
  3. Swap articles and answer your partner's DWCs.
  4. Return each others' papers and revise.
Image result for pro con2) Literacy Block: I See it Differently Part 7 (15 min)
  1. Read your rewritten article to a neighbor, summarize the original article, and swap roles.
  2. Help each other fill in your own Venn diagrams that compare and contrast the article YOU read with the article YOU wrote.
  3. Share with your table.
  4. Notice and note trends from across the whole class.
  5. Write the summary at the bottom of your sheet.
3) SMART Study Hall Time:
  1. Set three 15 min SMART Goals from the options below:
    1. Do mini tutorials with one to three other people to review for a class of your choice.
    2. Work on revisions or catch up work for another class OR for AVID.
    3. Read or work on your book club share fair artifact.
    4. Work on homework.
    5. Study for an upcoming quiz or test.
    6. Play Pandemic or Rush Hour.
  2. When you meet your goal come post it on the board.
  3. Closing Task: Make yourself a to do list for any work you need to finish by Friday.

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