Monday, October 3, 2016

How can communities support student success? Daily Plans: Tuesday, 4 October

Happy Tuesday AVID Students!
Image result for math representations
You've been representing functions
 in different ways for ages!
1) Due Wednesday: Tutorial Request Form (Math 3: Do an English Accuplacer question)
2) Due Friday: Finish your book, make your book club share fair artifact, ALL LATE WORK AND REVISIONS!
*Bonus, Due by FRIDAY: Parent interview*
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: How can communities support student success?
Objectives: I can...
...represent math functions in a variety of ways.
...find similarities between classmates' families. and contrast perspectives.
...set and meet a personal goal.
(9-CD.B.5, D.2; COMM.A.4, B.1-2; WRI.B.2, D.1; INQ.A.2, C.1; COLL.A.1-4; REA.B.1,5.7) 
1) Warm Up: The Whole Picture Week 3 (15 min)
  1. Take out "The Whole Picture" document.
  2. Take 7 minutes to complete representation 3 in all representations.
  3. Time for questions!
  4. Check your work with a neighbor for 5 minutes. Make sure you have both highlighted the y-intercept and slope in each representation.
2) Lesson Plan: What happens when a school becomes the center of a community? (Day 2) (30 min)

  1. Write down one fact or interesting point AND one suggestion you have about our school community based on articles and information you read yesterday. Use the Quiz-Quiz-Trade format to share your information with others.
  2. Family Fair Preview
    1. Image result for family discussions
    2. Immediate questions and ideas?
    3. Note the date and clear your family's calendar!
    4. Start thinking about what you may want your activity to be and who you may want to work with - we will go over this on Thursday!
  3. Be an oral historian!
    1. Skim through the resource here and jot down three OPEN-ENDED questions you want to ask your partner.
    2. Ask your partner a question and listen.
    3. Paraphrase what your partner said so you make sure you got everything correct and note what he or she said.
    4. Change your questions or ask clarifying questions as needed. Repeat for three questions. 
    5. Anonymously add similarities and differences between your families to the board.

3) Literacy Block: I See it Differently Part 6 (35 min)
*Set a SMART goal for the next 25 minutes and get to work! Post your goal on the board when you meet it.*
  1. Catch Up Time As Needed:
    1. Make sure you have finished the front and the triangle on the back of your "I see it differently" sheet. 
    2. Rewrite the article from your own perspective. 
      1. Some options include:
      2. Image result for pro con
        1. If you disagreed with the article, write the "truth" about the event from your perspective.
        2. If you agreed with the article, but found it hard to read/understand OR if you think the audience you want to write for wouldn't understand, rewrite the article more simply.
        3. If you agreed with the article, choose on part of it to emphasize and retell it focusing more on that part. 
        4. Retell the article from the perspective of you in your future career. 
        5. Write a letter to the author critiquing the original article.
      3. Requirements: 
        1. Write 10 sentences.
        2. Highlight your claims.
        3. Underline the evidence that supports your claims.
  2. Other Options: 
    1. Image result for goal quote
    2. Add to your book club artifact.
    3. Finish TRF.
    4. Read your book club book.
    5. Work on bonus parent interview questions.
  3. Venn Diagram Time:
    1. Read your rewritten article to a neighbor, summarize the original article, and swap roles.
    2. Help each other fill in your own Venn diagrams that compare and contrast the article YOU read with the article YOU wrote.
    3. Share with your table.
    4. Notice and note trends from across the whole class.
    5. Write the summary at the bottom of your sheet.
4) Success Workshop: Time for You (Until the end of class)
  1. Revisit your notes by adding questions and summaries.
  2. Organize your binders.
  3. Revise or finish work for all classes.

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