Sunday, October 2, 2016

How can communities support student success? Daily Plans: Monday, 3 October

Happy Monday AVID Students!
1) Due Tomorrow: Rewritten article for "I See it Differently"
2) Due Wednesday: Tutorial Request Form
3) Due Friday: Finish your book, make your book club share fair artifact
*Bonus, Due by next Monday: Parent interview*
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: How can communities support student success?
Objectives: I can...
...write creatively.
...tell a current event from a different perspective.
Image result for school then and now...evaluate the importance of community involvement in schools.
(9-WRI.A.2; INQ; REA.B) 
1) Warm Up: A Day in the Life (10 min)
  1. Pretend you could travel back in time to when your parent/s/guardians were in school.
    1. What do you think they were like? Were they the class clown? An art kid? The one everyone asked for help?
    2. What were their favorite subjects?
    3. How was school different than it is now?
  2. Write a 5 sentence journal article or description of a day in school for your parent/s/guardians.
  3. BONUS (Due Monday, will replace your lowest 25-30 point grade or add 5 points to a bigger grade): 
    1. Option 1: Share the paragraph you wrote with your parent/s/guardians. Listen as they tell you about a real day. Rewrite a 10 sentence day in their life in school.
    2. Option 2: Come up with 5 specific questions to ask your parent/s/guardians about when they grew up. Write their answers in 2-3 sentences each.
2) Literacy Block: I See it Differently Part 5 (35 min)
  1. Make sure you have finished the front and the triangle on the back of your "I see it differently" sheet. 
  2. Rewrite the article from your own perspective. 
    1. Image result for different perspectives people
    2. Some options include:
      1. If you disagreed with the article, write the "truth" about the event from your perspective.
      2. If you agreed with the article, but found it hard to read/understand OR if you think the audience you want to write for wouldn't understand, rewrite the article more simply.
      3. If you agreed with the article, choose on part of it to emphasize and retell it focusing more on that part. 
      4. Retell the article from the perspective of you in your future career. 
      5. Write a letter to the author critiquing the original article.
    3. Requirements: 
      1. Write 10 sentences.
      2. Highlight your claims.
      3. Underline the evidence that supports your claims.
3) Lesson Plan: What happens when a school becomes the center of a community? (20 min) 
*Mark your calendars! On Thursday, October 27th from 5:30-7:00pm you (AVID Freshmen) will be hosting a Family Fair at the CCCC gym! To begin to prepare, we will look at the value of community involvement in schools!*
  1. Before you read:
    1. Image result for schools at the center of community
    2. Set up a Cornell note sheet. EQ: How can communities support student success? Topic: Schools at the center of community
    3. Read the definition of community and list communities you are part of.
    4. Set up a Venn diagram that has one circle that says "LEC" and another that says "Example Schools". 
  2. While you read:
    1. *The two articles below are highlighted with green where you will start reading and pink where you will stop. These are SHORT! :). You may need to load the page twice/hit refresh - the annotation thing can be weird!*
    2. Under your Venn diagram, list 5 benefits of parent/guardian and community involvement in schools using the resource here.
    3. Read the article here
    4. Use the information from this article to fill in the "Example Schools" section of your Venn diagram.
  3. After you read:
    1. List three schools you have gone to.
    2. Give the schools a grade on community and parent involvement.
    3. Make a request! Jot these under your Venn diagram.
      1. If you could request one change in how your parents are involved, what would it be? (ex: I would ask them to ask something other than, "What did you learn?". I would ask them to chaperone field trips so they can see the colleges I like and not be scared if I go far from home.)
      2. If you could get one group/person/type of person involved at LEC, who would you get involved and why? (ex: Bring lawyers as guest speakers so we can shadow them at their job.)
4) Time for You: (Until the end of class)
  1. Add upcoming due dates and events to your planner.
  2. Set a SMART goal for the week.
  3. Work on your book club project or "I see it differently" article.

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