Friday, September 30, 2016

How do the systems we are part of change our perspective on current issues? Daily Plans: Friday, 30 September

Happy Friday AVID Students!
Image result for book fair
What will you share about your book?
1) Finish your book!
Big Idea: Systems organize information
Essential Question: How do the systems we are part of change our perspective on current issues?
Objectives: I can...
...create a book club share fair artifact.
...research my country.
...choose issues to focus on in your MicroUN conference.
(9-CD.A,B; INQ.A, B.3; COLL; ORG.D) 
1) Warm Up: Book Club (30 min)
  1. Discuss the ending of the book OR predict how the book will end. 
  2. Plan how you will share your book next week. Spoilers are not allowed!
  3. Create your share fair item/poster/skit/etc.
2) Literacy Block: MicroUN Prep Week 2
    Image result for sustainable development goals
  1. Process Reminder:
    1. Pick your countries.
    2. Complete your research packet.
    3. Choose topics.
    4. Write a resolution.
    5. Pitch your resolution at our MicroUN conference.
  2. Today:
    1. Work on your country research packet. Use the CIA World Factbook here.
    2. Fill out the Google Form here.
1st Block
3rd Block
4th Block
1. United States
2.       United Kingdom
3.       France
4.       China
5.       Russia
6.       Egypt
7.       Ethiopia
8.       Kazakhstan
9.       Bolivia
10.   Sweden*
11.   Italy
12.   Netherlands
13.   Egypt
14.   Senegal
15.   Uruguay
16.   Japan
17.   Ukraine
1.   China
2.   Russia
3.       Egypt
4.       Ethiopia
5.       Kazakhstan
6.       Bolivia
7.   Netherlands
8.   Egypt
9.   Senegal
10.   Uruguay
11.   Ukraine
1. China
2. France
3. Russia (1) (With Aiden)
6. Angola
7. Malaysia
9. Spain
10. Venezuela
11. Egypt (1) (With Stephanie CB)
13. Senegal
14. Ukraine

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