Wednesday, September 28, 2016

What system will most help me study? How do the systems we are part of change our perspective on current issues? Thursday, 29 September

Happy Thursday AVID Students!
1) By Friday: Meet your book club reading goal!
Image result for learning reflectionBig Idea: Systems organize information
Essential Question: What system will most help me study? How do the systems we are part of change our perspective on current issues?
Objectives: I can...
...reflect on my learning.
...identify my perspective for writing, my audience, and message.
...contribute to a study group.
(9-CD.A,B; WRI.D.2, B.3; D1; INQ.A, B.3; COLL; ORG.D) 
1) Warm Up: Learning Log (7 min)
  1. Take out TOC #16.
  2. Complete your learning log for this week.
Image result for round table discussions2) Literacy Block: I See it Differently Part 4 (20 min)
  1. Take out TOC #22.
  2. Finish your rhetorical triangle and star diagram based on the article you chose.
  3. Use the second rhetorical triangle to plan how you will rewrite the article from YOUR perspective.
  4. Begin writing!
3) Lesson Plan: Study Groups (Until the end of class) 
  1. Before we study:
    1. Complete the beginning of your group study sheet.
    2. Take out your relevant notes.
  2. Break into groups based on content.
    1. For 3rd Period:
      1. Mr. Stern: World History, Math 2, English/Reading
      2. Ms. Nickel: Accuplacer Prep, Math 1, Physical Science
    2. For 4th Period:
      1. Image result for rhetorical triangle
      2. Ms. Delmaine: Math 2, English/Reading, World History
      3. Ms. Nickel: Math 1, Physical Science
    3. Tell your group members what study tool you created AND what concepts it reviews.
  3. While you study:
    1. Take notes in your concept map on your study group sheet.
    2. Use each other's study tools to review.
  4. After you study: 
    1. Fill in the remainder of your study group sheet.
    2. Return your study group sheet to your AVID teacher.
    3. Debrief discussion: What do you like about study groups? Which is helpful for you, tutorials or study groups?

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