Wednesday, September 28, 2016

What system will most help me study? How do the systems we are part of change our perspective on current issues? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 26 September

Image result for spheres of influence
What shapes your perspective?
Happy Wednesday AVID Students!
1) Due TOMORROW: Study tool!
2) By Friday: Meet your book club reading goal!
Big Idea: Systems organize information
Essential Question: What system will most help me study? How do the systems we are part of change our perspective on current issues?
Objectives: I can...
...use parallel structure in sample questions.
...see how my experiences are different from other people's.
...create a study tool. 
(9-WRI.A.2, B.3; D1; INQ.A, B.3; COLL.A2,4; ORG.D; REA.B) 
1) Warm Up: Parallel Structure Practice (15 min)
  1. Read the information here. Illustrate and give an example of parallel structure. Write an example of a sentence without parallel structure.
  2. Complete questions #1-14 here.
  3. Highlight the correct answers on your handout.
  4. Add your handout into your binder, TOC #22 Parallel Structure Practice.
Image result for parallel structure
2) Literacy Block: I See it Differently Part 3 (30 min)
  1. Task 1: Graphing our Experiences
  2. Image result for who experiences discrimination
    How do our results compare?
    1. Take out your "I See it Differently" sheet (TOC #22).
    2. Get with a partner.
    3. Copy the spreadsheet here.
    4. Make a new sheet using the + button on the bottom left of the screen.
    5. Skim through the data and discuss: What information from this may be useful for us to consider as we look at events from different perspectives?
    6. Choose data to graph.
    7. Copy and paste the data to graph into your new sheet.
    8. Remember these functions:
      1. =SUM(highlight column) to add up responses
      2. =COUNTIFS(highlight column, "=response option", highlight column, "=response option") to count responses like females who have experienced discrimination, etc
    9. Highlight the data and select the chart icon toward the upper right of your screen.
    10. Choose a type of graph and create it. Remember you can change axis titles and colors using "Customization".
  3. Task 2: Dig Deeper into your Current Event
    1. Open up the article you started reading and note-taking on yesterday.
    2. Continue.
    Image result for homemade math review board game3) Lesson Plan: Study Tool Creation (Until the end of class) 
    1. Use your TOCs, old tests, and benchmarks to determine 3 concepts/topics you need to review for the class you will make your study tool for.
    2. Tab the pages in your notebooks/binders that you'll need to use. You may also use assignments you have in your Google Drive.
    3. Gather the materials you need.
    4. Finish creating your study tool.
    5. List what you need to finish so your study tool is done and ready to use tomorrow! 
    Study Tool Requirements
    Graphic Organizer Booklet
    Video Collage
    Board Game
    Create a booklet with three different graphic organizers. Each organizer reviews a different concept and has at least 10 details. The cover of your booklet lists the concepts your booklet reviews, has 2-3 relevant images, and key terms or formulas make up the border. Cover at least 3 details with questions on sticky notes, one at each of Costa's levels.
    Create a Google document with the following: A list of three concepts you need to review, a 3 sentence summary of each concept, a video link to a video that explains the concept, and 4 questions (1 level 1, 2 level 2, 1 level 1) and answers.
    Make a board with a title that is catching and a subtitle that says which 3 concepts your game reviews. Then, add 4 relevant and labeled images/diagrams to your board. The board game must have a path that players have to move across with cards they have to pull and answer to move forward. You must have at least 15 cards with 5 level 1 questions and 10 level 2-3 questions.

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