Tuesday, September 27, 2016

What system will most help me study? How do the systems we are part of change our perspective on current issues? Daily Plans: Tuesday, 27 September

Happy Tuesday AVID Students!
1) Due Thursday: Study tool!
Image result for different perspectives2) By Friday: Meet your book club reading goal!
Big Idea: Systems organize information
Essential Question: What system will most help me study? How do the systems we are part of change our perspective on current issues?
Objectives: I can...
...record my experiences.
...list different perspectives that shape how we see current issues.
...create a study tool. 
...revisit confusing concepts in a variety of ways.
(9-CD.B5, D1; INQ.A; COLL.A4; ORG.D; REA.B) 
1) Warm Up: I See it Differently Part 1 (5 min)
  1. Fill in the experiences inventory.
  2. We will analyze the results from this inventory over the next few days.
2) Literacy Block Part 1: I See it Differently Part 2 (25 min)
  1. Then, find a blog post/article about a current event that is told from a different perspective than your own. Consider political viewpoint, author's age/ethnicity/other aspects of culture, etc. Here are some resources to get you started:
    1. Image result for different perspectives
    2. Code Switch on NPR (looks at current events from minoritized perspectives)
    3. Indy Week (news from a liberal point-of-view)
    4. La Noticia (The Spanish-Language Newspaper for NC, scroll over a unlinked word, right click, choose "translate to English" to translate the page)
    5. TASS (Russian news agency)
    6. grist (humor + environmental action to inspire environmental action)
    7. Upworthy (very positive news)
    8. The Blaze (Glen Beck's conservative news page)
    9. LGBTQ Nation (the world's most followed LGBTQ news source)
    10. Huffington Post (liberal-feminist, not pro-military source)
    11. Stars and Stripes (pro-military news source)
  2. Bookmark the article you chose.
  3. Begin to read and fill in your star diagram and rhetorical triangle organizers.
  4. Add this to your binder, TOC #21, "I see it differently task".
Image result for ways to represent math statements3) Literacy Block: The Whole Picture Week 2 (15 min)
  1. Math 3 Students: Meet with Ms. Delmaine in Mrs. Testa's Room! Return to AVID at 1:00.
  2. Take out TOC #17. 
  3. Change the 2nd representation into all 4 representations.
  4. Highlight the slope and y-intercept in EACH representation!
  5. Compare your work to a neighbor's.
  6. Ask questions.
  7. Return your work to your binder.
4) Lesson Plan: Study Tool Creation (25 min) 
    Image result for study tools
  1. Use your TOCs, old tests, and benchmarks to determine 3 concepts/topics you need to review for the class you will make your study tool for.
  2. Tab the pages in your notebooks/binders that you'll need to use. You may also use assignments you have in your Google Drive.
  3. Gather the materials you need.
  4. Begin creating your study tool. (Due THURSDAY!)
Study Tool Requirements
Graphic Organizer Booklet
Video Collage
Board Game
Create a booklet with three different graphic organizers. Each organizer reviews a different concept and has at least 10 details. The cover of your booklet lists the concepts your booklet reviews, has 2-3 relevant images, and key terms or formulas make up the border. Cover at least 3 details with questions on sticky notes, one at each of Costa's levels.
Create a Google document with the following: A list of three concepts you need to review, a 3 sentence summary of each concept, a video link to a video that explains the concept, and 4 questions (1 level 1, 2 level 2, 1 level 1) and answers.
Make a board with a title that is catching and a subtitle that says which 3 concepts your game reviews. Then, add 4 relevant and labeled images/diagrams to your board. The board game must have a path that players have to move across with cards they have to pull and answer to move forward. You must have at least 15 cards with 5 level 1 questions and 10 level 2-3 questions.
Image result for curve of forgetting5) Success Workshop and Closure: Distributed Practice and Retrieval Practice (10 min)
  1. Set a SMART goal for the week in your planner if you did not get to yesterday. 
  2. Revisit your notes by highlighting key terms, writing summaries, and adding HOT questions.
  3. Find someone in the same class as you and ask them your HOT questions.

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