Sunday, September 25, 2016

What system will most help me study? Daily Plans: Monday, 26 September

Image result for how to studyHappy Monday AVID Students!
1) Due Thursday: Study tool!
2) By Friday: Meet your book club reading goal!
3) Math 3 Students: Spend 25 min working on your WritePlacer practice test (Copy the document here). Add 3 specific questions about practice test or study guide questions on Sentence Skills and Reading Comprehension AND/OR the WritePlacer to the document here. You will meet with Ms. Delmaine tomorrow during AVID.
Big Idea: Systems organize information
Essential Question: What system will most help me study?
Objectives: I can...
...write from a new perspective.
...assess studying methods.
...evaluate my learning this semester.
...choose a study tool.
...set a weekly goal.
(9-CD.B5, D1; INQ.A; COLL.A4; ORG.D; REA.B) 
1) Warm Up: My Day from the Perspective of a _______ (10 min)
Image result for same story different perspectives
  1. Write the "name" of a narrator someone could tell the story of their day from. Examples: your shoe, your pencil, your water bottle, your phone case. Non-Examples: your teacher (we only see you for a part of the day)
  2. Swap narrators with a classmate.
  3. Write the story of your day from the perspective of your assigned narrator.
  4. Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up to share your story with two classmates.
2) Literacy Block: Applying Cognitive Psychology to Education: Translational Educational Science (aka, how to/not to study) (30 min)
  1. Before you read: 
    1. Add to the T-chart on the board:
      1. Image result for how  not to study
      2. How do you study?
      3. How do your teacher assess your learning? The state?
    2. Review your purpose for reading: Look for effective ways to study.
  2. While you read: 
    1. Annotate the article. Note the main idea by each paragraph. (Ex: Education changes over time; poem memorization)
    2. Put an "x" by the paragraph if it tells you nothing about effective/ineffective ways to study. *Star* paragraphs that will help you determine how to study.
    3. Look up and define, in the margins, at least two unfamiliar words.
    4. Note at least 2 aha! moments, questions, and/or responses you have while you read. (Ex: Well, that explains why I fail history tests! Wait, why doesn't ___ help?? This guy is crazy!)
  3. After you read: 
    1. Share out the new words you defined.
    2. *Star* the ways to study on the board that align well with the article suggests will be effective.
    3. Discuss: How does note taking fit with studying? How do you need to change how you study?
3) Lesson Plan: Study Tool Planning (20 min) 
  1. Fill in the form below to help you plan your study tool.
  2. Tab the pages in your notebooks/binders that you'll need to use. You may also use assignments you have in your Google Drive.
  3. Gather the materials you need.
  4. Begin creating your study tool. 

Study Tool Requirements
Graphic Organizer Booklet
Video Collage
Board Game
Create a booklet with three different graphic organizers. Each organizer reviews a different concept and has at least 10 details. The cover of your booklet lists the concepts your booklet reviews, has 2-3 relevant images, and key terms or formulas make up the border. Cover at least 3 details with questions on sticky notes, one at each of Costa's levels.
Create a Google document with the following: A list of three concepts you need to review, a 3 sentence summary of each concept, a video link to a video that explains the concept, and 4 questions (1 level 1, 2 level 2, 1 level 1) and answers.
Make a board with a title that is catching and a subtitle that says which 3 concepts your game reviews. Then, add 4 relevant and labeled images/diagrams to your board. The board game must have a path that players have to move across with cards they have to pull and answer to move forward. You must have at least 15 cards with 5 level 1 questions and 10 level 2-3 questions.
Image result for how not to study meme4) Success Workshop and Closure: Get ready for the week! (10 min)
  1. Add any club meetings, due dates, etc to your planner.
  2. Check and respond to any CCCC and LCS emails.
  3. Set a SMART goal for the week.

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