Thursday, September 15, 2016

What does knowing my learning style teach me about myself as a learner? How do countries make decisions? (Day 3) Daily Plans: Thursday, 15 September

Happy Thursday AVID Students!
Homework: Due TOMORROW
-Fill in your AVID Alert
-Meet your book club reading goal!
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: What does knowing my learning style teach me about myself as a learner? How do countries make decisions?
Objectives: I can...
...reflect on my learning.
...manipulate information in a spreadsheet.
...model a carbon dioxide emissions cap and trade program. to meet your book club goal.
(9-CD.B.5; WRI.D.1-3; INQ.A.2; COLL.A.2-4) 
1) Warm Up: Scavenger Hunt Data Collection and Learning Log (10 min)
  1. Fill in the Google form below using the information you collected from your Learning Styles Scavenger Hunt.
  2. Select your learning log template.
  3. Complete your learning log for today.

2) Lesson Plan Part 1: Learning Styles Revisited - Data Analysis (30 min)
      Image result for VARK
  1. Go through an example of the tasks below together.
  2. Break into a group of three.
  3. Copy the spreadsheet of responses to the survey above.
  4. Create a new sheet in the same file.
  5. Choose what information you want to graph and why. Note this on your sticky note.
  6. Select the data you want to graph and paste it on your second sheet.
  7. Create a graph.
  8. List two inferences you can make from your graph and one inference you cannot make from your graph.
  9. Swap your sticky note and graph with another group. 
  10. Highlight the two inferences that you can make from the graph shown.
  11. Swap back so you have your sticky note. Check the other group's work.
  12. Ask one question you still have about using spreadsheets on your sticky note.
  13. Turn in your sticky note.
  14. Complete the paragraph on the back of your VARK Note Sheet.
3) Lesson Plan Part 2: Carbon Dioxide Emissions Cap and Trade Game Prep (20 min)
  1. Move so you are sitting with your country group.
  2. Finish filling in your country profile and online document.
  3. Use the simulation here to answer the following questions in your own notes:
    1. In your own words, describe what the different color blocks represent.
    2. The green blocks fly all over and the other blocks might disappear during the simulation. What do these changes represent?
    3. What is the least sustainable situation your group designed? How did you know it was unsustainable?
    4. What was the most sustainable situation your group designed? How did you know it was sustainable?
  4. Discuss your answers as a class.
Groups with Documents Linked:
1st Block
3rd Block
4th Block
United States (HT, IP)
China (SF, CM)
Saudi Arabia (Nickel)
Venezuela (MM, HD)
Germany (DP, NP)
India (TP, CB, CK)
United States (BB, AC, CC)
China (LL, TW, AU)
Saudi Arabia (JP, IM, MS)
Venezuela (IC, AE, SB)
Germany (DL, SS, CB, MC)
India (JS, KP, J L-H, JH)
United States (AO, EW, KRJ)
China (JM, JF, DA)
Saudi Arabia (Y(J)M, KP)
Venezuela (CC, GM, SC)
Germany (RD, SL, SK)
India (AS, RS, IB)

4) Success Workshop and Closure (10 min)
  1. Check and assess your SMART goal. List what you need to do tonight.
  2. Read to meet your book club goal.

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