Wednesday, September 14, 2016

How can a guided inquiry process support my success? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 14 September

Happy Wednesday AVID Students!
Image result for comma rulesHomework:
-Due TOMORROW: Learning Styles Scavenger Hunt
-By Friday: Meet your book club reading goal!
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: How can a guided inquiry process support my success?
Objectives: I can...
...revise a paragraph by adding necessary commas.
...improve TRF writing by asking for and providing peer feedback.
...ask and answer clarifying questions.
(9-WRI-B.3; INQ-B; COLL.A.1; ORG.B.4,6) 
1) Warm Up: Find your Missing Commas! (7 min)
  1. Add missing commas to the two paragraphs.
  2. Check your work using the key on the second page of this document.
  3. Add this to your binder as TOC #15, "Finding Missing Commas".
2) Lesson Plan: Learning Styles Continued (20 min)
Pick up where you left off yesterday to finish your circle diagram and gallery walk.
  1. Find 2-4 other people with the same or similar learning style.
  2. Create a poster like the sample to the right.
  3. Helpful Resources:
    1. Gardner-Webb's tip sheet
    2. College of Charleston tip sheet
  4. Circulate the room and label activities that will help you with the letter for your learning style (For example, if you are a visual learner and the kinesthetic group puts that drawing a diagram will help them, put a V next to that if you think it will help you too.)
2) Tutorial Time
  1. Before Tutorials:
    1. Image result for AVID Tutorials
    2. Take out your notes and/or classwork for the class your TRF is on. Add HOT questions and summaries for 5 minutes. *Star* any information that might be helpful for your TRF.
    3. List two questions that it would be helpful for someone to ask you.
    4. Break into Tutorial groups.
  2. During Tutorials:
    1. Decide the presentation order using your final concept ratings.
    2. Presenters will give a 30 second speech and record their POC and basic notes on the board.
    3. Group members record notes and then ask questions. Use TOC #4, Tutorials 101 for question ideas!
    4. When the presenter gets it, have him or her summarize, in steps, how he/she would teach his/her POC to a classmate. Ask clarifying questions if needed.
    5. Repeat!
    6. Done early? Work on homework and ask each other questions as needed.
  3. After Tutorials: 
    1. Choose 3-4 questions to answer.
    2. Complete the reflection.
    3. Staple your papers together and turn them in.

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