Friday, September 16, 2016

How can the decisions we make impact climate change? Daily Plans: Friday, 16 September

Happy Friday AVID Students!
-Meet your book club reading goal!
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: How can the decisions we make impact climate change?
Objectives: I can...
...discuss the book I am reading.
Image result for interview with an author...make negotiations.
...assess carbon dioxide cap and trade programs.
(9-CD.D.1; COMM.D.5-6; INQ.A; COLL.A.1-3;  WRI.D.1-3; INQ.A.2; COLL.A.2-4) 
1) Book Club Meeting (25 min)
  1. Option 1: Do the task on your book club contract.
  2. Option 2: Write 5-7 interview questions for the author of your book. See if you can find your author's email and send him/her the questions. Let me proofread the email.
    1. Question Doc for Stitching Snow
  3. Option 3: Create a mini-biography of your author. Consider doing this as a graphic novel. Why did the author write this book?
  4. Option 4: Write a "Where I'm From" poem for one of the characters in your book.
  5. Option 5: Complete a VARK assessment of one of the characters in your book. Determine what learning style you think your character would prefer and list evidence.
Image result for favorite book characters
2) Carbon Dioxide Emissions Cap and Trade Game Play (45 min)
  1. Prepare to play:
    1. Read the game information and actions.
    2. Discuss as a class:
      1. What is the goal of the game? 
      2. Is there one winner?
      3. How does this game relate to the simulation you used? What layers of complexity have been added?
      4. How does this game relate to things you learned in your history classes last semester?
      5. Questions?
    3. Watch a sample turn.
    4. Choose your first actions. *You will have to talk to other countries.*
  2. Game Play
    1. The country with the highest GDP per capita will start game play.
    2. Track your actions and their impacts in your table.
    3. Use Today's Meet here (or below) to:
      1. Image result for carbon cap and trade
      2. Ask questions to Ms. Nickel.
      3. Plan your next turn.
      4. Critique what the current acting countries are doing.
      5. *Use your countries name as your username.*
  3. Reflect and Share
    1. Write all group members' names on your game play sheet.
    2. Complete the reflection. Remember to take turns writing.
    3. Add a sticky note to your sheet listing each group member's name and the habit he or she is tracking.
    4. Turn this in!
Groups with Documents Linked:
1st Block
3rd Block
4th Block
United States (HT, IP)
China (SF, CM)
Saudi Arabia (Nickel)
Venezuela (MM, HD)
Germany (DP, NP)
India (TP, CB, CK)
United States (BB, AC, CC)
China (LL, TW, AU)
Saudi Arabia (JP, IM, MS)
Venezuela (IC, AE, SB)
Germany (DL, SS, CB, MC)
India (JS, KP, J L-H, JH)
United States (AO, EW, KRJ)
China (JM, JF, DA)
Saudi Arabia (Y(J)M, KP)
Venezuela (CC, GM, SC)
Germany (RD, SL, SK)
India (AS, RS, IB)

3) Success Workshop and Closure: Free Time or Catch Up Time!

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