Thursday, September 1, 2016

What actions can I take to change the world for the better? Daily Plans: Friday, 2 September

Happy Friday AVID Students!

-Read (4th block gets Speak, Stitching Snow, How it Went Down - check Book Club Resources tab if you are in 3rd or 4th!)
Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What actions can I take to change the world for the better?
Objectives: I can...

...synthesize what I've read.
...strategize to prevent the spread of disease in a simulation.
...reassess what issues matter the most to me.
1) Book Club Meeting Three (20 min)

  1. Take out your book and meet with your book group.
  2. Complete your task on your book club contract. (Work on your pot luck plans!)
  3. Reminders: Next week will be the book club potluck on Sept 9. 
  4. Please list your book club potluck contribution on the marker board.
2) Global Health and Challenges (60 min)
  1. Number off into two groups. 
  2. Group 1: Pandemic
    1. Partner up and choose a role.
    2. Review game play rules, actions, how to win and lose, roles, etc.
    3. Play!
    4. How have things
      changed since 2004?
    5. Complete the top of your sheet.
  3. Group 2: Global Challenges for Adolescents
    1. Before you read:
      1. Read the directions on your sheet.
      2. Open the link here.
      3. Read the introductory paragraph.
      4. Choose one page to read.
    2. While you read: List key terms and a quote or statistic in the correct part of your one pager.
    3. After you read: Finish your one pager.
3) Exit Ticket: Finish your sheet and turn it in!

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