Big Idea: Structure
Essential Question: What actions can I take to change the world for the better?
Objectives: I can...
...synthesize what I've read.
...strategize to prevent the spread of disease in a simulation.
...reassess what issues matter the most to me.
1) Book Club Meeting Three (20 min)
- Take out your book and meet with your book group.
- Complete your task on your book club contract. (Work on your pot luck plans!)
- Reminders: Next week will be the book club potluck on Sept 9.
- Please list your book club potluck contribution on the marker board.
2) Global Health and Challenges (60 min)
- Number off into two groups.
- Group 1: Pandemic
- Partner up and choose a role.
- Review game play rules, actions, how to win and lose, roles, etc.
- Play!
- Complete the top of your sheet.
- Group 2: Global Challenges for Adolescents
- Before you read:
- Read the directions on your sheet.
- Open the link here.
- Read the introductory paragraph.
- Choose one page to read.
- While you read: List key terms and a quote or statistic in the correct part of your one pager.
- After you read: Finish your one pager.
How have things changed since 2004? |
3) Exit Ticket: Finish your sheet and turn it in!
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