-Read to meet your book club contract deadline
Big Idea: Relationships support our success
Essential Question: How can knowing where we are from help us determine where to go?
Objectives: I can...
...reflect on what I have learned this week.
...depict different components of identity.
...peer evaluate writing.
...publish my work.
1) Warm Up: Learning Log (10 min)
- Take out your learning log (TOC #4).
- Complete the week 4 log.
- *Star* your favorite type of learning log.

- List identity communities with markers we can define ourselves and others by (ex: religion, socioeconomic status, familial relationships, gender).
- On two sticky notes, list two communities that other people may label you as a member of (ex: middle class, North Carolinian, brother, skater, gamer, teen, female, etc).
- On two more sticky notes, list two communities that you would either label yourself as that other people might not know/see OR two communities you would like to be a part of (ex: first generation college student, gay, Jewish, author, artist, engineer).
- Post these on the iceberg to show if they are visible or nonvisible markers.
- Debrief:
- What types of identity markers are easier to see? Harder to see?
- Did you find people who had similar identity markers to you? Different markers?
- Why do you think we are spending time to do activities like this?

- Complete the peer evaluation sheet with your partner. Include documented writing concerns, pluses and deltas, and illustrations.
- Use the feedback from your partner to make revisions to your poem.
- Begin to publish your poem. Remember to include illustrations and/or a border.
4) Closing Activity:
- Check your planner and SMART goal. List what you need to do tonight.
- Read to prepare for meeting your book club goal.
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