Monday, September 5, 2016

How can knowing where we are from help us determine where to go? (Day 5) Daily Plans: Tuesday, 6 September

Happy Tuesday AVID Students! I hope you had a lovely Labor Day weekend!
Image result for where I'm from poem
What will your published poem
 show about you?
-TRF due tomorrow! 
-Published poems due Thursday
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: How can knowing where we are from help us determine where to go?
Objectives: I can...
...identify current issues I am interested in.
...describe how teenagers form identity.
...publish my "Where I'm From Poem".
...set a goal for the week.
1) Warm Up: Time for You! (10 min)
  1. Finish your stations sheet from Friday. Focus on the summary boxes on the front and back of the sheet.
  2. Revise Cornell notes for all classes! Highlight key terms, add HOT questions, write summaries, etc.
2) Literacy Block: Identity Formation 101
Image result for erikson's stages of development
  1. Before you read and watch, write for 2 minutes: Which two choices below have had the biggest impact on your identity AND why?
    1. Adults in your life
    2. Other students, friends, etc who are your age
    3. A community you are part of (team, church, etc)
    4. Your future goals
    5. The location you grew up in
    6. Events in your life
  2. While you read and watch:
    1. Note the answers to the following questions as you read the article here:
      1. What part of their brains do teens use more than adults? Why?
      2. What are two different ways teens develop their sense of identity?
      3. What do adults do instead of "deciding over and over again who they are"?
      4. Is it important that teens are self-conscious?
    2. Note the answers to the following questions as you watch the video below:
      1. What conflict defines the adolescent stage of development according to Erikson?
      2. What is role confusion?
      3. What leads to role confusion in adolescents?
      4. Why can cliques be helpful?
  3. After you read and watch, complete a second quickwrite answering question 1 and 2 OR 3.
    1. All: Do you think you have resolved your identity vs role confusion crisis? Why or why not?
    2. Option 1: How did you come to resolve your identity vs role confusion crisis?
    3. Option 2: What can you do to continue resolving your identity vs role confusion crisis?
3) Lesson Plan: Where I'm From Publishing
    Image result for where I'm from poem
  1. Review the feedback your partner gave you and make any final revisions to your poem draft.
  2. Publish your poem! Consider:
    1. Do you want to make a video? Send me the YouTube link.
    2. Don't love your drawing skills? Consider graffiti edges or a collage.
    3. Did you meet all criteria on your grading checklist?
  3. Share your work with a neighbor for preliminary feedback. 
  4. *Final published poems are due Thursday at the beginning of class!*
4) Success Workshop and Closing Task:
  1. Check and respond to Lee Co and Cougarmail emails.
  2. Fill in your planner for this week.
  3. Write a SMART goal for the week.
Image result for SMART goal

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