Tuesday, September 6, 2016

How can knowing where we are from help us determine where to go? (Day 6) Daily Plans: Wednesday, 7 September

Happy Wednesday AVID Students!
Image result for where I'm from poem
What will your published poem
 show about you?
-Published poems due TOMORROW!
-Book Club Potluck on FRIDAY!
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: How can knowing where we are from help us determine where to go?
Objectives: I can...
...publish my "Where I'm From" Poem.
...ask and answer clarifying questions.
...reflect on the Tutorial process.
(9-CD.A.7, WRI.A, INQ.A.B, COLL-A.1,3)
1) Warm Up: Poetry Publishing Time (15 min)
  1. Place your TRF on the purple containers on your table. 
  2. Work on publishing your poem.
  3. Tips:
    1. Remember to check your grading sheet.
    2. What images are you including?
    3. Does your poem have 22 lines?
  4. Final poems are due tomorrow!
    2) Tutorial Time:
    Image result for questions
    1. Before Tutorials:
      1. Break into groups of 2-3.
      2. Play the Question Game at Practice Level or Challenge Level.
        1. Image result for questions
        2. Practice Level: Use the cards as a matching game.
        3. Challenge Level: Complete the task on each card.
      3. Share out the most challenging task/scenario.
      4. Find your notes that relate to your TRF. Highlight key terms.
      5. Bring your notes, TOC #4 (Tutorials 101), and your TRF to your Tutorial group.
    2. During Tutorials:
      1. Choose who will present first using your concept ratings.
      2. Give a thirty second speech.
      3. Help each other take notes.
      4. Ask clarifying questions referring to your Tutorials 101 packet and the Question Game.
    3. After Tutorials: Respond to the following questions on the bottom of your 3 column notes:
      1. What was an "Aha!" moment for you or for the presenter? (aka, when did you get it?)
      2. What question that you asked, answered, or heard was the most helpful? What made it helpful?
      3. What is one question OR idea for improvement that you have for tutorials?
    Image result for questions

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