Thursday, September 8, 2016

How can knowing where we are from help us determine where to go? (Day 7) Daily Plans: Thursday, 8 September

Happy Thursday AVID Students!
-Book Club Potluck TOMORROW!
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: How can knowing where we are from help us determine where to go?
Objectives: I can...
...illustrate high and low power poses.
...present my "Where I'm From" Poem.
Image result for power pose...contribute to a seminar on identity formation. to prepare for our book club.
(9-CD.A.7, COMM.A,B , INQ.A,C, COLL-A.1,3)
Note sheet for today!
1) Warm Up: Presentation Prep: Power Poses (15 min)
Learning Logs will resume next week!
  1. Before you watch, draw yourself when you present. How do you stand? Do you move around a lot? What do you do with your hands?
  2. While you Watch: (0:10-3:19 and 10:15-13:21)
    1. Note the purpose of Professor Cuddy's work, how the study was done, and what was found.
    2. In a T-chart, sketch high and low-power poses.
    3. *Here is the interactive transcript if it helps you to follow along.*
  3. After you watch: Try your own power pose!

2) Lesson Plan Part 1: "Where I'm From" Presentations (20 min)
    Image result for how to give a presentation
  1. Choose at least 10 lines from your poem to share.
  2. Number off into groups of 4-5.
  3. Read your 10 lines in a loud, proud, college voice.
  4. Ask one group member for a "Wow!" and another group member for an "I am left wondering...".
  5. Repeat until everyone has read and gotten feedback.
3) Lesson Plan Part 2: Identity and Culture Seminar
  1. Prepare for the seminar:
    1. Gather the following materials:
      1. "Where I'm From" sheets/poetry packet
      2. Notes from class on Tuesday, 6 Sept (Identity and Role Confusion)
      3. Pull up the Scientific American article we read yesterday (linked here)
    2. Watch the video below.
    3. Tell a neighbor what you think the purpose of the video is and why the director designed the film this way (ie, Why are their masks? Why are only teens shown?).
    4. Write three questions, one at each of Costa's level, that will challenge our class to think about identity formation in teens and how it relates to success. Examples:
      1. Level 1: Define identity.
      2. Level 2: Compare and contrast the two ways to create identity that were described in the Scientific American article.
      3. Level 3: If you could create any clique, one that perfectly fit your identity, what would it be and why? Does it already exist?
  2. During the seminar:
    1. Image result for socratic seminar
    2. Step Up, Step Back so everyone's voice is heard.
    3. Assume positive intent.
    4. Speak from your experiences.
    5. Refer to resources from class.
    6. Write a plus and delta AND a question for your inner circle partner.
  3. After the seminar, respond to the following in a journal entry style paragraph (does not need to be in TPEQEA, can include lists and doodles):
    1. What did you learn from the iceberg tasks (your own and the class version)?
    2. How did writing a "Where I'm From" poem help you? 
    3. If the focus on identity and culture could change one thing about our class, what do you hope changes as a result of these discussions?
3) Closing Tasks: 
  1. Staple your seminar sheet to your "Where I'm From" poem packet. Turn in your packet and your final poem.
  2. With any time remaining, you may read to meet your book club goal for tomorrow.

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