Friday, September 9, 2016

How can we share information about our books with people who have not read them? Daily Plans: Friday, 9 September

Image result for strange headlinesHappy Friday AVID Students!
-Read to meet your book club goal!
-Finish any late work
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: How can we share information about our books with people who have not read them?
Objectives: I can...
...preview headlines of current events.
...create fictionalized skits.
...share information from your book club selection via a potluck of food and activities.
(9-CD.A.7, COMM.A,B , COLL-A.1,3)
1) Warm Up: Headline Skits (20 min)
  1. Break into groups of 3-4.
  2. Pick a headline from the container.
  3. Image result for strange headlines
    Grammar skills meet headline skits...
  4. Create a FICTIONAL skit, interpretive dance, poem, interview, song, etc. that tells a story related to this headline.
  5. Expectations:
    1. Everyone must have a performance role.
    2. Each actor/actress must have at least one spoken line.
    3. You must be ready to present in 10-12 minutes.
    4. Show SLANT as your classmates perform.
  6. Plan!
  7. Perform :)
2) Book Club Potluck

    Image result for potluck
  1. Head outside for our potluck.
  2. Gather at the brick and tree area on Joyner field.
  3. Share what you brought and why. 
    1. Template: Our group is reading _______ by ______. We brought ______ to the potluck because of _____ in the book.
    2. Example: Our group is reading When the Rivers Run Dry by Fred Pearce. We brought water to the potluck because according to this book we are at risk of water shortages if we keep using water the way we do.
  4. Enjoy the treats and activities!
  5. Free Time!

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