Sunday, September 11, 2016

What does knowing my learning style teach me about myself? How can knowing my learning style help me determine where I want to go? (Day 1) Daily Plans: Monday, 12 September

Happy Monday AVID Students!
-Due Wednesday: TRF
-Due Thursday: Learning Styles Scavenger Hunt
-By Friday: Meet your book club reading goal!
Big Idea: Relationships support success
Essential Question: What does knowing my learning style teach me about myself? How can knowing my learning style help me determine where I want to go?
Objectives: I can...
...create a mask showing different facets of my identity.
...describe the different learning styles using VARK.
Image result for identity short film...determine my learning type.
...set goals for the week.
(9-CD.A.4,5,7,B.5; WRI-D.1; ORG.A.2,3,B.1; REA.B) 
1) Warm Up: What identities do you mask? (20 min)
  1. Think back to "Identity", the short film we watched last week, and the iceberg activities.
  2. Create a two-sided mask that...
    1. Shows two different identities that you practice in different groups (ie: artist and class clown) 
    2. OR Shows one identity that most people see and one that not many people see (ie: female and poet) 
    3. OR Shows who you truly are and who people think you are (ie: all the labels you would describe yourself with and goth)
    4. OR Shows who you are today with who you want to be in the future (ie: student and lawyer)
  3. Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up to show two people your mask.
2) Literacy Block: Learning Styles Introduction
  1. Before you Read:
    1. Make paper airplanes following the steps in the presentation.
    2. Fill out your memory making organizer.
  2. While you Read "Knowing a Child's Learning Style Improves Memory Skills"
    1. List the author's claims.
    2. Note strategies that can help the variety of learners listed on your note sheet.
  3. After you Read: 
    1. Describe how you learn best.
    2. State: Do you think it will help you to know your learning style? Why or why not? Consider the quote below.
Editor's Note: While the idea that students have fixed, specific learning styles is not supported by scientific research, providing students with multiple ways to learn content has been shown to improve student learning (Hattie, 2011).
3) Lesson Plan: Identifying my Learning Style

    VARK learning style_Taiwan Infographic
  1. Complete the VARK assessment here.
  2. As a class: Match the VARK types with the airplanes we made.
  3. Record your scores.
  4. Evaluate your results. Do you agree? Why or why not?
  5. Read about your learning styles and fill in your sheet. You can go to "Questionnaire" at the top of the website and select the link that will show you more information about your learning styles.

4) Success Workshop and Closure:
  1. Check and respond to emails in your Lee Co and Cougarmail accounts.
  2. Fill out your planner for the week.
  3. Set a SMART goal that you will meet by next Monday.

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